Quotation of the Week: Anne Rice

I’ve subscribed to The Southeast Review‘s Writing Regimen for the month of December, and one benefit that I’m really appreciating is the receipt of a literary quotation each morning. Here’s one–sad but true–that I received over the weekend.

“Writers write about what obsesses them. You draw those cards. I lost my mother when I was 14. My daughter died at the age of 6. I lost my faith as a Catholic. When I’m writing, the darkness is always there. I go where the pain is.”
–Anne Rice

2 thoughts on “Quotation of the Week: Anne Rice

  1. margosita says:

    Wow- sad and true and quietly powerful.

    thanks for passing it on!

  2. LCS249 says:

    No wonder her subject matter is so dark.

    Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" came from a rare dark place in her, and even though she never wrote from that place again, it was what she'd become known for.


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