Wednesday Web Browser for Writers

  • Poet Kelli Russell Agodon provides this week’s writing prompt on Midge Raymond’s blog, and it’s a good one
  • Cathy Day interviews John Vanderslice on the nuts-and-bolts of teaching a novel-focused workshop (in two parts).
  • Another teaching-related item: writer Chloé Yelena Miller helps you figure out if you should teach online.
  • Melanie Bishop reminds us of an essential truth about short stories: Something happens.
  • In Sunday’s New York Times, “[Joyce Carol] Oates and [Meghan] O’Rourke discussed how they wrote about their own grief and why the literature of loss resonates with readers today.”
  • Philip Graham, on narrative structure.
  • Last, but by no means least: author Arnost Lustig passed away over the weekend. I am building a tribute page/post.