Thursday’s Work-in-Progress: Inspired by the High Holy Days

Technically, I won’t be working at all today. That’s because today I am celebrating the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah).

Unoffically, I’ll be bearing in mind a poem-in-progress (there, that sounds better than “failed poem”). I began working on this poem several months ago. It has to do with certain ideas and feelings that I have about a particular aspect of the Rosh Hashanah liturgy. I’m hoping that something in today’s services will throw a new and useful light on the poem.

Meantime, I’m pleased to dig up from the archive another piece of writing inspired by the Jewish High Holy Days. This is an essay that dates back to a college workshop in creative nonfiction. I hope that you enjoy it.

And for everyone who is celebrating today: L’shanah tovah!