Quotation of the Week: Pete Hamill

“I always mention Flaubert’s advice to young Guy de Maupassant: Get black on white. That is, start writing. What you write can always be changed later, sharpened, deepened, or even thrown away. But nothing will emerge if the words are locked within your skull. Start.”
–Pete Hamill

Source: Hamill’s response to the question, “What is the best piece of advice you would give a writer just starting out?” In an interview conducted by Tom Callahan, published in the December 2011 issue of The Writer.

2 thoughts on “Quotation of the Week: Pete Hamill

  1. So true. I find the best way to get rid of writer’s block or find the way to begin is just to begin. Even if it’s nonsense at first, something wonderful, or at least useful, emerges.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:


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