Words of the Week: Nina Badzin


Jews are like that. Well, not all Jews. But I’m certainly not the only Jew who can’t get through the day without uttering or thinking the word ‘Jewish’ in some capacity. Though I do admit I’m particularly Jewey. I don’t know why that is. I’d tell you to ask my parents, but I think they’re just as mystified by my all-consuming Jewiness as you are.

Source: NinaBadzin.com

Dear, sweet, funny Nina Badzin. A wonderful writer, with a delightful personality to boot. We became acquainted online, and we had the opportunity meet “in real life” at the Grub Street Muse & the Marketplace conference back in 2011.

Nina has just upgraded her blog, and on the occasion of the relaunch, she offers a self-interview that includes the above snippet. Which resonates with me, in part because, like Nina, I “can’t get through the day without uttering or thinking the word ‘Jewish’ in some capacity,” and in part because my dad, in particular, has admitted that he is “mystified” by my Zionism.