Friday Finds for Writers

Treasure ChestWriting-related resources, news, and reflections to read over the weekend.

  • “Everyone tells you to write what you know. It’s the tried-and-true advice every writer hears at some point in her career. But to take my writing to a deeper level, I’ve found that a better practice is to simply write what frightens you, haunts you, even.” So writes Sarah Jio for the NYT “Draft” series.
  • U.S. Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey will serve another term–and launch a new series on the PBS NewsHour. (h/t @RonCharles)
  • Rebecca Makkai uncovers some “stealth clichés” (and invites you to add others) on the Ploughshares blog.
  • Remember when I told you about Tom Hopkins’s The Year of Living Autobiographically? Here’s an update on the book’s availability.
  • Just what the doctor ordered (for me, anyway, and perhaps for you, too): Cortney Phillips’s “How to Stop Feeling Guilty If You Are Not a Writer Who Writes Everyday.”
  • Have a great weekend, everyone. See you back here on Monday!