Friday Finds for Writers

Treasure Chest
Writing-related resources, news, and reflections to enjoy over the weekend.

  • The super-smart Jane Friedman takes us through key author website components.
  • Speaking of super-smart: in this must-read Cynthia Ozick writes about “Writers Old and Young: Staring Across the Moat.”
  • If you have any inclination to start a reading series, you’ll want to read V. Hansmann’s how-to post on the Brevity blog.
  • On the GrubStreet blog, Mary Carroll Moore expounds on “Navigating a Big Writer’s Conference—What’s Best to Do, What Do You Bring, How to Make the Most of Your Time and Money.” Especially useful for those planning to attend the AWP conference in April and/or The Muse & the Marketplace in May.
  • “These days, promoting yourself and your work on Twitter is par for the course in many creative industries: Think publishing, journalism, and comedy. But just because a public presence is required doesn’t mean it’s simple — so the Cut asked women whose online voices we admire to tell us how they handle it.” In the resulting piece, you can “read responses from Jezebel founder Anna Holmes, New Yorker television critic Emily Nussbaum, writer and activist Feminista Jones, and more.”
  • Happy weekend!