Friday Finds for Writers

Treasure Chest
Writing-related resources, news, and reflections to enjoy over the weekend.

  • Want to learn more about leveraging Goodreads as an author? This newsletter issue includes links to archived “office hours,” plus other resources. (And take note of the next “office hours” on September 19.)
  • From Annie Neugebauer: “When Writers Do It Wrong: The Top 10 Ways To Annoy Your Twitter Followers.” (Brought back fond memories of this piece by someone I know.)
  • I found much in KC Trommer’s “How Do We Fix the MFA?” to be sound and sensible, and largely in keeping with some other MFA program critiques I’ve run across.
  • From the revelation that it took him about two years to really inhabit the protagonist of To the End of the Land to a reflection on how each of his books has been necessary to the writing of those that have followed, David Grossman shared a multiplicity of quiet insights—personal, professional, and political—during his recent appearance at the JCC Manhattan.
  • Reminder: Over on my other blog, Friday brings another set of links—focused on (mainly) literary news of specifically Jewish interest. Please drop by, should you be so inclined.
  • Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.