Friday Finds for Writers

Treasure Chest
Writing-related resources, news, and reflections to enjoy over the weekend.

  • Fantastic note on Susan Perabo’s Facebook page about literary magazines—and their career-altering impact.
  • “On Ordering Essay (& Story) Collections: To Try & Try Again”: a post by Sejal Shah that resonates not only because the topic has always intrigued me, but also because I’m beginning trying to shape my own poems into a collection at this time.
  • Over on the Pacific Standard site, Aaron Calvin describes “How Small Presses Are Welcoming More Women Into Publishing.
  • “I am hungry for an expanded conversation of hybrid writers, MFAs With Day Jobs–whatever you want to call them–beyond the perfunctory Well, Philip Larkin was a librarian, so…. exception to the rule anecdote.” So writes Paige Sullivan in a post on the Brevity blog. That exact conversation continues with a post from Rae Pagliarulo.
  • And if expanding your freelance writing practice happens to be on your new year’s agenda, check out Carol Tice’s “Freelance Writing Forecast” for 2017.
  • Have a great weekend, everyone.