Jewish Literary Links: Special Solidarity Edition

Friends outside of Israel, when people ask you if you have family in Israel, your answer is simple. Yes. 7 million brothers and sisters.
Image brought to my attention by Rabbi Jeffry Salkin.. Creator currently unknown.

Regular followers of the My Machberet blog know that I routinely share collections of links, drawn primarily from the world of Jewish books and writing. And as a Jewish writer in the Diaspora who is deeply bonded to Israel, I frequently feature items from or pertaining to Israel and its literature.

But there is nothing routine about what began in southern Israel last Shabbat morning, or any of the days since then.

Here, then, is a “solidarity edition.” And as I said on a related post on the Practicing Writing blog yesterday, may the memories of the slaughtered be a blessing; may the wounded heal; may the captives be rescued soon and swiftly. May there soon be peace, for everyone.


Words of the Week: Susan Bronson

In the many conversations taking place in the Jewish community around the importance of Jewish literacy, modern Jewish literature is often not part of the equation. What role can modern Jewish literature play in deepening Jewish identity and engaging young people in Jewish life?


These works, whether translated from Yiddish or Hebrew or written originally in English, offer insights into Jewish history, tell compelling stories, ask big questions, and offer opportunities for a new generation to find their own voice and to define themselves as Jews.

Read the full text of Susan Bronson’s “Take a Page from Our Books: Why Jewish Literature Should Be Part of Your Engagement Strategy” on the eJewish Philanthropy website.