Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

1) I had something of a breakthrough (finally!) while working on my spring-semester course syllabus yesterday. For the benefit of other writers-who-teach who may also be having a rough time with that kind of work right now, I’ll mention two factors that really helped me out. First, my college’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) offered the first in a series of what are essentially virtual co-working sessions yesterday morning. They pointed us to some resources, and they kept open a breakout room for discussion, but essentially we were all working on our own.

The second factor? A very helpful Twitter thread on course design.


Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

  1. Many thanks to the team at Valiant Scribe for my contributor e-copy of their new issue, which includes my poem “Fighting Words” (originally published by The Hollins Critic and re-printed in Birthright: Poems; just about a year ago, “Fighting Words” was also a Verse Daily selection). I’ve looking forward to reading this issue, which will be available for purchase this weekend.
  2. Making progress with preparations for my spring-semester course on “Contemporary Jewish Literature”—and deeply appreciating the videos of panels, lectures, and readings that I’m locating, reviewing, and adding into the “hybrid” syllabus for students to access asynchronously.
  3. My home-improvement project continues! Notable since last week’s post: This update is coming from my new desk! Trust me—it’s a step up from the ancient card table I’d been using. (No photos yet—my home office is still cluttered with cartons of books that are waiting patiently for Project Bookshelves, which, at this point, won’t be completed until later in the winter.)