New Work Online

This week I have two new pieces available online, and both mean a lot to me.

“Rio, 1946” is a piece of (very) short fiction. It’s actually an excerpt from my novel manuscript, The Haguenauer Line. It began as an overnight exercise (more years ago than I care to reveal!) in an Iowa Summer Writing Festival class taught by Sands Hall (expect to hear more about Sands here at the blog and in our next newsletter very shortly).

It’s especially significant that “Rio, 1946” appears online just now. The piece is rooted in my family history: exactly 60 years ago–in August 1946–my paternal grandmother’s parents, who had fled Nazi Germany for Brazil in 1940, sailed from Rio toward New York. My great-grandfather, who in a number of ways inspired my novel’s character of Max Haguenauer, died at the Marine Hospital on Ellis Island on September 1, but my great-grandmother was able to spend the next 25 years reunited with her daughter (my grandma) and became an important part of my dad’s life.

Here’s the link to “Rio, 1946.”

Second, has published another of my reviews. You’ll find my discussion of Walter Laqueur’s The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism (Oxford UP, 2006) here.

3 thoughts on “New Work Online

  1. emilydixieson says:

    Erika, while I have consistently admired the measured tone of your nonfiction, I must note the measured passion of your fiction: lovely, touching, pleasing in a meaningful way — even in this brief piece. Good work, and congratulations for the nudge on your novel!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Lovely, just lovely. Your writing has once again called to life your grandfather.

    I can’t wait to read the book. How close are you to completing the manuscript?

    Congratulations, Erika. You should be proud.

  3. Erika Dreifus says:

    Thank you both so much. The (historical) novel actually has quite a history of its own. While I continue to tweak it (I did one more major revision for a contest about a year ago) I haven’t quite figured out how to proceed with it. In an earlier incarnation it was represented by an agent but didn’t find a home; now it’s a little tricky to deal with. So publishing pieces of it may be the best way to share it, for now.

    Thanks again for the very kind comments!

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