Friday Find: New Tech for the New Year

I’m a bit hesitant about jumping on the resolution bandwagon at the moment, so (as you may have noticed) I haven’t formally articulated any New Year’s goals here. But should I dare to dream, I might be tempted to borrow some targets from this list of “objectives for today’s non-wired journalist.” It would be pretty nice to find myself significantly less tech-challenged a year from now! (via Lisa Romeo’s blog)

2 thoughts on “Friday Find: New Tech for the New Year

  1. Dan R. says:

    Erika, my New Years thrust is to enroll in a low-residency writing program at the BACHELOR level. But, everyone seems to offer MFAs which do me no good. Any suggestions?

  2. Erika D. says:

    Sorry, Dan. Don’t know of any offhand. Why don’t you investigate the undergrad program listings here and see if you can find anything part-time/low-res? Good luck.

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