Friday Finds for Writers

The weekly collection of writing-related resources, news, and reflections to read over the weekend.

  • To begin: As you may have noticed, I’m something of a dash fan (even if I have to disguise the dash as a hyphen sometimes for text-only newsletters that don’t absorb the auto-corrected dash all that well). Which is all a way of saying that I loved Ben Yagoda’s “Mad Dash” column for this week.
  • “How NOT to Put Together a Short-story Collection,” by Amber Sparks.
  • Joel Friedlander’s useful “Twitter for the Absolutely Terrified Newbie Author.”
  • Clear-eyed post on “the economics of self-publishing,” with a detailed case example, from Anne Trubek.
  • If you’re in the Boston area, I hope you’re going to be able to enjoy the Boston Book Festival this weekend. Wish that I could be there with you.
  • Have a great weekend, all. See you back here on Monday.

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