Talking About Poetry (and Israel) on the Radio

If you’re reading this before Sunday morning, November 25 (around 9 a.m., Eastern time), you still have time to prepare to catch me on the radio! I’ve been asked to appear on Shalom USA Radio to read my poem, “Questions for the Critics,” and talk a bit about its genesis. I’m looking forward to this opportunity (even if I’m slightly terrified to be broadcasting live). If you want to listen in, you can do so here. Please wish me luck!

4 thoughts on “Talking About Poetry (and Israel) on the Radio

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thanks, Sue. I made it through!

  1. I didn’t get to hear the interview, but I did read the poem. I like the opening lines – the whole is very good, of course. I can imagine the response though – which is part of the point: the critics don’t get it. Thanks!

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thanks so much, David. The radio host was actually very positive. But you’re right that the critics to whom the poem is aimed would be likely to respond in a quite predictable fashion.

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