Pre-Shabbat Jewish Lit Links

Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen
Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen

Every Friday My Machberet presents an array of Jewish-interest links, primarily of the literary variety.

  • You’re probably seeing lots of “best-of-year” book lists around. Here’s one that focuses on 2014’s Jewish books.
  • Rebecca Klempner remembers Gil Marks “and his contribution to Jewish books and cooking.”
  • Weekend reading: the new (December) issue of The Tower magazine.
  • A thoughtful piece by Phil Getz on “Eric Garner and Moshe Twersky Bound by History.”
  • And on the Lilith blog–a new poem of mine.
  • Shabbat shalom.

    4 thoughts on “Pre-Shabbat Jewish Lit Links

    1. Marlena Maduro Baraf says:

      Erika, Know you are extremely busy. Have you had a chance to read my piece in Blue Lyra Review? Jewish girl in Panama.
      Heard about Blue Lyra originally from you. Grateful for the wealth of information

      1. Erika Dreifus says:

        Marlena, please forgive me! Yes, I have read it, and it is lovely. Thank you for letting me know about it (and for the reminder). I will be sharing it! All best, Erika

    2. ann bar-dov says:

      Wow – that was one powerful poem.
      And how excellent that there is a place to publish such things, a place where many can read them.

      1. Erika Dreifus says:

        Thank you, Ann!

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