Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

A Poem for Purim

“Vashti Refuses the King’s Summons,” painting by Edwin Long (1879).

The Jewish holiday of Purim is two weeks away, and a few days ago I placed a Purim-related poem with Jewess magazine. It features the voice of Vashti, one of the “characters” in the Purim story. Suffice to say that Vashti’s experience takes on additional meaning in the midst of #MeToo. Click over to read. (Bonus: I’ve included a bit of background on the process behind the poem.)

Latest Column TK

I spent a lot of time since the last “Midweek Notes” working on my latest “View from the USA” column for the UK’s Jewish Chronicle. It should be out shortly. Stay tuned.

In the Meantime

I haven’t spent a lot of time submitting poems in 2018, but in the past several days I have taken advantage of one journal’s brief fee-free window, and another’s reminder of an imminent deadline, to send out two mini-packets. We’ll see what happens!

That’s what’s been happening here. How about with you?


6 thoughts on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. Clive Collins says:

    Las week I had one piece of flash fiction declined, a YA novel agent submission declined, and a short story accepted by Tuck Magazine. It will appear in June or thereabouts. Another short story will be in The Sunlight Press around the same time, and I have a chapbook of short and flash fiction forthcoming from Red Bird Chapbooks. “So we beat on…”. Now who said that?

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Gee, I have no idea who said that, Clive! You’ve had a lot of really good news. I’m so glad!

  2. Helene Meyers says:

    Mazel/mazal tov, Erika! “So we beat on” is the last line of THE GREAT GATSBY. Last week was a good one–my “Academic Grief: A Satire” appeared on the Lilith Blog (I had a lot of fun writing that piece–a way to turn academic lemons into lemonade!). And had a review appear on the JWA blog. Had another piece accepted, about which I’m really excited but it also might ruffle some feathers.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      I’ll have to catch up on your published work, Helene. (And yes, I think Clive and I are jesting over that line.)

      1. Helene Meyers says:

        Sincere apologies to both of you for being tonally obtuse! (I stayed up way too late last night)

        1. Erika Dreifus says:

          No worries! (I hear that tone can be hard to gauge online. Who knew? ;-))

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