Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

  1. In truth, I don’t feel as though I have much (anything?) to report today. But there are actually one or two of you out there who, when I have skipped a post altogether, have reached out in concern. I don’t want anyone to worry—so here I am!
  2. I have, however, just read this thoughtful post from Christi Craig, which has given me a small prompt/assignment to try to do today. Check it out, and see if it speaks to you as well.
  3. Enough about me (seriously). What’s new in your writing world? Let me know, in comments.
an open spiral notebook with a pen resting on a blank page, plus a text label that reads, "Midweek Notes."

7 thoughts on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. To start off the new year, I hired an Author Virtual Assistant, giving me more hours now to focus on completing the second book in the Tottenville History series. The extra hours I’ve already had to write makes me confident my goal of seeing it published this year will happen.

    1. Lynne says:

      What in the world is an Author Virtual Assistant?

      1. Erika Dreifus says:

        I’m sure that Angie could say more about the work her assistant will be doing, but here’s one of many places with more info about them: https://nonfictionauthorsassociation.com/virtual-assistants-for-authors-hire-an-authors-assistant/.

    2. Erika Dreifus says:

      Good luck, Angie!

  2. Thanks Erika.

    Lynne – Authors wear many hats that take us away from our passion, the writing. Assistants can do a variety of these jobs based on what the author needs.

    My assistant is handling the promotion work for my book to solicit sales and generate book reviews for it while I use those hours I was doing it for myself to dedicate to the actual writing of the next book.

  3. Sherry Shahan says:

    I’ve just completed a solid draft of a middle-grade graphic novel. While I have several middle grade novels in print, this is my first try at a GN. I’m running it through my 2 critique groups and will then approach beta readers.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Marvelous! Good luck!

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