Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

  1. Happy birthday, Quiet Americans! My short-story collection was published 11 years ago today (coinciding with what would have been my grandparents’ 70th wedding anniversary). Thank you to everyone who has supported the book over the years—and allowed me to continue my quarterly sales-based contributions to The Blue Card.
  2. Speaking of stories: I’ve finally signed up for a Kathy Fish flash workshop! It’s a 90-minute generative session scheduled for April. (I seem to have misplaced the link with info, but you can sign up for news about all of Kathy’s teaching on her website.) UPDATE: I’ve found a link to a page with class/registration info.
  3. And on a somber note: As I mentioned on Twitter, I’ve had reason this week to think again of an essay I published two years ago.
an open spiral notebook with a pen resting on a blank page, plus a text label that reads, "Midweek Notes."

5 thoughts on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. Rabbi Mindy Portnoy says:

    Mazal tov on the anniversary of Quiet Americans! I recently gave a copy to a friend on her birthday. Question: after writing five children’s books, and myriads of sermons, I’ve stopped writing (except in my diary and in emails). Maybe you could pen an essay for me and others like myself about being re-inspired!

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thank you so much! You know, I’ve seen quite a few people mention the lack of inspiration problem lately. Unfortunately, I can’t easily find one of the Twitter threads where I found this treated alongside suggestions for restarting the engines. For me, signing up for a workshop has helped (hence, signing up for ANOTHER one just this week, even if the session isn’t happening for a while–I couldn’t squeeze in any of the previous ones that were listed). I also tend to make use of prompts when I’m utterly at a loss for new ideas. But, yes–maybe writing an essay about the problem of getting re-inspired is called for. It might even re-inspire me! 😉

  2. Patricia Striar Rohner says:

    I am a masters graduate in creative writng and submitting to many literary magazines. So far, I have had nine published and numerous rejections. Is there a trick to where someone should submit or is it really pot luck?
    I have also written a crime novella which am interested in publishing. Any suggestions?

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Rejection is definitely a big part of the process. At the moment, I’m trying to place a story for which I have received 17 rejections so far. It’s not merely luck–it’s important to research opportunities and try to find the ones that are best matched for your work. But there is certainly some luck involved! As for your other question–I’m sorry, but I have no suggestions at the moment.

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