Jewish Literary Links

The words "Jewish Lit Links" are printed over what appears to be a portion of a Torah scroll.

  • As we approach 2020, Lea Zeltserman is sharing her top 10 picks from the “Soviet-Jewish Decade” just past. She is spotlighting “the works that have advanced and changed how we think about and understand Soviet Jewry. They are works that have also stuck with me personally, expanded my own knowledge of the Soviet-Jewish experience, or sometimes ‘just’ moved me deeply.” I’m watching the list develop with great interest.
  • Earlier this week I spent some time reading the latest issue of the Jewish Review of Books, which includes a standout piece occasioned by the release of a new edition of “Glikl” (aka Gluckl of Hameln)’s Memoirs. Included within: a couple of excerpts.
  • I’m happy to have discovered that there’s work afoot to adapt Dorit Rabinyan’s novel All the Rivers (as it’s known in the English translation by Jessica Cohen) for the screen—and that Gal Gadot is involved. I’m less pleased to see that the news has re-upped the buzzworthy-but-misleading description of the novel as “banned” in Israel. (For a review of that subject, please refer to my 2017 piece.)
  • “Which Israeli writers did I depend on this year? Who offered fresh thinking and sharp analysis on Israel from Israel? Whose evocative descriptions gave me a taste of Israel on the days I missed it most? Most of all, which writers were an invaluable help in my work of telling Israel’s story?” Find out who served as Sally Abrams’s teachers in this post.
  • And, from the archive: This week I listened again to “Fidelis,” the short story that I wrote in 2011 for that year’s “Hanukkah Lights” broadcast on NPR. It’s a pretty good story, if I say so myself.

Shabbat shalom and chag sameach!

The words "Jewish Lit Links" are printed over what appears to be a portion of a Torah scroll.

8 thoughts on “Jewish Literary Links

  1. Gita Baack says:

    Erica, do you know if any of those Russian books – or if you know any – that speak about the many Jews who fled and survived in Uzbekistan?
    Dr. Gita Baack, author, The Inheritors; Moving Forward from Generational Trauma”

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Gita, I’m sorry–I just don’t know. Perhaps check with Lea herself?

  2. Alan Jay Gerber says:

    excellent sum up on Jewish literature for this week……be proud of your work.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thank you.

  3. I did check the “list develop” and found it very interesting. Thanks

  4. Just finished reading my copy of Birthright, Erika. I savored every last word like enjoying the leftover crumbs from my Bubbie’s babka! May your words continue to flow easily in the new year!!!

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thank you so much! If you’re inclined to share a review on Goodreads and/or Amazon, that would be lovely!

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