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Want to learn a bit more about our newsletter first? Please keep reading.

In early 2004, Erika launched a free monthly e-newsletter, The Practicing Writer.

In early 2020, the newsletter moved from the YahooGroups platform to Substack (thus acquiring an edited title: The Practicing Writer 2.0). Please subscribe (or resubscribe) at Substack!

Each issue includes:

  • a highlighted online resource to assist you with your writing practice;
  • announcements for upcoming contests and similar opportunities, none of which charge entry/reading/processing fees, and all of which pay for winning work; nothing featured limits eligibility to residents of a single city/state/province.
  • a “Submission Alerts!!!” section, where Erika keeps subscribers posted about calls from paying literary journals and anthologies and nuances in editorial calendars (also limited to fee-free opportunities that pay); and
  • reminders of relevant content from Erika’s blogs.

What Writers Say

“Thank you for “Where to Read (and Publish) Writing on Jewish Themes” on your website. I recently placed a short nonfiction piece with The Jewish Writing Project after finding it on your resources page. The story had been rejected elsewhere and set aside before I submitted it there. Bruce Black not only said yes, but also took the time to provide some editorial guidance that made the piece better…. this wouldn’t have happened without your resources page.”
—Marcie Geffner

“Thanks for sharing the information about the Iron Words Israel journal in your resource list for Jewish reading and publishing. I was delighted that my short essay “Freeze” about the first month of the war here was published on their website recently. I was also heartened by the warm and personal acceptance letter that I received from the editor. I so appreciate your ongoing commitment and support to the writing community!
—Fran Levin

“Many thanks, Erika. I was just awarded a Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture grant for my novel-in-progress about antisemitism and vigilantism. I learned about the grant from you. Thanks again for all you do for Jewish writers and Jewish writing.”
R.L. Maizes

“I am grateful to you for making me aware of Mud Season Review in your newsletter. I am happy to announce their publication of my personal essay “Grief.” Thank you so much! It is the story of my family and the legacy of the Holocaust. The editors there were great to work with and I’ve been very pleased with all my interactions with them. Additionally, they will be publishing an interview with me. Again, many thanks.”
—Madelaine Zadik

“I have been writing some essays with Jewish themes and decided to submit a couple of them, referring to your Jewish Writing Resources. I also referred to your “Where to Publish Your Work” resource. I saw that you mentioned Duotrope. I signed up and used their search function for nonfiction works on religion/spirituality with the subtopic of “Judaism.” A new publication, OfTheBook Journal, was one of the results. I submitted a strange, dense essay on the origin of death (examining Genesis), and it was accepted for publication in May. (ED note: That piece has since been published.) Thank you so very much for this invaluable service. I’m a humble government attorney with no experience, and I was able to easily follow your roadmap.
—Miles Whitney

“I have been a subscriber to your newsletter from August 2022 and check every beginning of the month for submission opportunities. I have since submitted to many literary journals thanks to your efforts, and I am happy to announce that I have been featured twice on Aniko Press for my book reviews of No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe and Desertion by Abdulrazak Gurnah. Thank you so much for the work that you do!”
Lorna Likiza

“I’m very grateful that you shared the Miriam Chaikin Writing Award a few months back. My essay ‘The Happiest Country in the Whole Wide World’ won this year’s prose award, and I still can’t quite believe it. Your thorough and thoughtful sharing and curation help writers find gems we wouldn’t otherwise. Thank you!”
Sheena Daree Romero

“Thank you for advertising the LIGHT poetry contest in your newsletter. They wanted poems about cancer, healing, and transformation, and my poem ‘The Language of Cancer’ won 2nd place. I’m absolutely thrilled and am working on publishing my entire manuscript.
Caroline Johnson

“Many thanks—I just learned today that I will be a 2024 LABA Fellow, an opportunity I learned about [from you]. Very excited about this, so thanks again for sharing opportunities like this with us!”
Rachel Cantor

“My poem ‘The Gift’ is particularly important to me. It was published on Ritualwell. It will also be included in The Jewish Writing Project later this spring. I found out about these publications on your ‘Where to Read (and Publish) Writing on Jewish Themes.’ Thank you!”
—Cynthia Bernard

“I found 34 Orchard through your emailed newsletter, and my story “No Winter Maintenance” was published in the issue released in November. I greatly appreciate your help to writers like myself by gathering all this information of submitting opportunities. Again, thank you!”
—Susan R. Morritt

“Heartfelt testimonial: Thanks to your November newsletter, my poem “Pantoum for Holding Ourselves Together” was published in the January issue of Variant Literature. This poem is dear to my heart—and also a stretch for me in terms of poetic form. Only with your help did it find a good home.”
—Elizabeth Edelglass

“Thanks for posting the LIGHT (Leaders Igniting Generational Healing and Transformation) contest for submissions on transformation and healing around cancer. My submission (“Report From the Trenches, 2000: Letter to My Friends”) won 3rd place, with a cash prize and upcoming publication in issue 3 of LIGHT. I wouldn’t have known about the contest if not for your monthly emails!”
Natalie Reid

“I’m writing to tell you that my essay ‘Satisfaction’ is a finalist for Iron Horse Literary Review’s “Unlawful Acts” issue, one of only seven essays put forward. Had I not seen this opportunity in your listings, I would not have known about it. Thank you for all of your work and for the opportunities you provide for the writing community.” 
Gila Green

“Wanted to let you know that my poem ‘Police Blotter’ has been included in Am Yisrael Chai: Essays, Poems, and Prayers, the anthology edited by Rabbi Menachem Creditor, which I read about in your [resources]. I am sorry to put this news under the “success story” rubric; just as Rabbi Creditor wishes that the anthology had not needed to be compiled, I wish my poem had not needed to be written. But here we are. The poem is also included in my collection Black Shirt Emblazoned, forthcoming from Monday Editions. Thank you for your brave and steady witness. Be well.”
X.P. Callahan

“I would like to thank you for the list of publications [ED note: this one, I think] that accept short fiction. One of my short stories, “Mr. Rosenberg,” is now available for reading at”
—Allan Borshy

“I retired about 18 months ago and have been pursuing creative nonfiction. You included the Palisades Review in [your list of flash nonfiction venues]. [I sent them] a funny story about visiting a resort with my family (our kids were little ones at the time) where you pay for your discounted room by enduring a time-share presentation. I was really happy to have it accepted, since otherwise I’m working through the usual rejection-filled scenario! Thank you for putting the newsletter together every month—it’s a huge undertaking and many many writers are benefiting.”
—Howard Wach

“Thanks for listing the Creators of Justice Literary Awards in The Practicing Writer! My memory is somewhat of a blank as to things that happened before October 7, 2023, so when I received the email saying my essay, “Under One Sky,” had won first place, I was flabbergasted. The essay deals with my occasional volunteer work with The Road to Recovery, a non-profit which transports Palestinian patients to and from the border crossings for treatment in Israeli hospitals. It ends on a line of hope, which was an important reminder for me, post October 7. I suppose I was writing a memo to my future self. Thank you, Erika!”
—Julie Zuckerman

“Erika, I’ve been getting your Practicing Writer newsletter for a while now and promised myself that upon retirement I would pursue some of your leads. I have written poetry on and off for years, but have kept it mostly to myself. However, since retiring, I did keep my promise to myself and found a chapbook competition in your listings [the Kari Ann Flickinger Biennial Memorial Literary Prize] and submitted my manuscript for consideration. First, I was thrilled to learn I had made the cut to the “Long List” of manuscripts that had been reviewed by a panel of judges to be moved along for review by the final judge. I was recently informed that my work was awarded 3rd place and comes with a portfolio piece in their literary magazine and a 250£ cash award! I was quite stunned and, of course, humbled by this recognition and validation. This has certainly given me the confidence to continue writing and, finally, getting my work out there. Without your thoughtful list of resources I’m not sure I would have taken the step. Thus, I write to thank you for your support of and commitment to all writers.”
Lucinda Zoe

“Thanks for cluing me into the Mitford Museum’s GetLit! Writing Contest in your August 2023 edition of The Practicing Writer. My story, ‘Principal for a Day’ was selected as the winner. I appreciate all you do for writers.”
—Yitzchak Francus

“I’ve been meaning to write to you for a while. In June of 2022, I read about the Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest. I had eight weeks to write something. I never win contests, and my honorable mentions have meant just about nothing, and the entry fees add up. I thought, one last time. I wrote the story. I submitted the story on the final day. The months passed. I forgot the story. Then in May of this year, Moment contacted me. I won the 2022 contest. What?! I won! They interviewed me. They posted my story. They illustrated my story. They’re printing it on paper right now. And it’s all because a) I am an optimist, and b) I discovered this contest on My Machberet. This is my biggest victory as a writer. Thank you, Erika, for helping writers all these years, for helping this writer.” (ED note: You can now find Steve’s winning story on Moment’s website.)
—Steve Bieler

“After the very first newsletter I received from you, June 2023, I submitted a story to The Bad Day Book, and it was chosen to be published. Thank you for this opportunity.”
—Vickie Goodwin

“Thanks for listing Yafeh Zine. I tried them with a flash essay that fit their theme and they accepted, which brings me to 54 CNF publications or acceptances inside two years. [ED note: I shared this one initially via the My Machberet blog.]
Lev Raphael

“Your dedication to the community of writers is tireless and astonishing–and opened the door for the publication of my forthcoming novel, Forget I Told You This (Zero Street Fiction, Sept. 1, 2023). I was querying agents when I saw Zero Street’s call for submissions in The Practicing Writer. Zero Street is a new imprint of the University of Nebraska Press dedicated to giving LGBTQ literary fiction a trade audience. I hadn’t planned to submit to independent presses yet, but the description looked like a perfect fit. Forget I Told You This will be the inaugural title for the imprint and it wouldn’t have happened without you! Many thanks for the work you do!”
Hilary Zaid

“Writing to thank you is becoming a habit but one I enjoy. I entered On The Premises Mini-Contest #57 (Practicing Writer 2.0, June 2023). My 50-word story earned an honorable mention. Your newsletter is a treasure trove of writing opportunities. I live for it each month. Once again, thank you!
—Iris Leona Marie Cross

“In your May newsletter, you mentioned the mini-contest #56 from On The Premises Magazine. Contestants had to write a story between 25 and 50 words in which the word unicorn appeared a single time. I won an honourable mention, and my piece was published on the magazine’s website. Thank you so much for putting all this together.
—Chantal Bellehumeur

“I have been an avid reader of your newsletter for years and have often followed up on some of your suggestions for submissions. Finally I can report a success story. After a heads-up from you, I submitted to Mud Season Review a creative non-fiction piece I had been trying to get published for 2 years – and I am thrilled that it appears in Issue #68.
—Barbara Ridley

“What can I say without gushing too much? I’ve been reading your Practicing Writer and various blogs for years and I’m awe-struck by how you manage to be such an active and positive force for literary good in the world all while working and maintaining your own writing practice. I wanted to especially thank you for sharing Emily Stoddard’s spreadsheet of poetry manuscript contests and submission windows. This amazing resource helped reduce the pain of manuscript submission, and making a long-story short, my first poetry collection – The Book of Noah – was runner-up in Grayson Book’s 2022 contest and has just been published by them.”
—Yoni Hammer-Kossoy

“Erika, thank you so much for your work. I submitted to Orca, A Literary Journal after reading about them in your June 2022 newsletter. They published two of my flash pieces, for which it was great to receive payment, and nominated one for The Best Small Fictions anthology! Overall, they have been wonderful to work with, and I appreciate your introducing me to a great new journal.”
Jessica Manack

“I enjoy your monthly newsletter but have never acted on an opportunity until now. Your April newsletter made me aware of the “Brilliant Flash Fiction” writing contest. I entered and won third place. Thank you for all your work to compile and send these opportunities!”
Jill Witty

“Erika! I requested a grant from The Vincent Anioke Grants to Support Black Writers which you posted in The Practicing Writer 2.0: February 2023 Within 24 hours, Vincent fulfilled my request via PayPal. Once again, I have to thank you for the effort you put into producing your comprehensive newsletter. What would I do without it?”
Iris Leona Marie Cross

“My essay on Deborah Levy, ‘Both Sides, Now,’ is the cover story for the April edition of AWP’s The Writer’s Chronicle! I just wanted to let you know about this because I first saw the call for submissions for The Writer’s Chronicle in your newsletter!”
Liam Hoare

“Thanks to you, my late mom Sydell Rosenberg’s short story, titled “I Retrospect Nature,” was just published in The Maine Review. I’m so delighted and thrilled. TMR was absolutely wonderful to work with. I learned about this literary journal via your newsletter. In fact, your newsletter is my top source for these varied opportunities. I likely wouldn’t have found out about it otherwise. So — thank you!”
—Amy Losak

“Thank you so much for posting these monthly submissions. Thanks to you, one of my short stories was accepted by Samjoko Magazine, and I applied to GrubStreet’s Boston Writers of Color Literary Stipend and received it. I’m using it for journal fees. I’ve also sung your praises to every writer friend I know and encouraged them to sign up to your newsletter. The work you do is very much appreciated.”
Leah Nicole Whitcomb

“I note how many success stories you have in the March newsletter – kudos! Here’s one more (the third due to you): Teach. Write. will be publishing my short essay ‘Teaching Haiku in Jail’ in the issue releasing April 1. Thank you as always!”
Mandy Gardner

“I think I found Alphabet Box on your list. I am the featured writer [there]. An essay I wrote about dinner with Grace Paley and John Cheever in Provincetown about 40 years ago is the piece I sent. And thanks for your newsletter. I use it all the time.”
—Judith Cohen

“I just wanted to thank you for all the small journals you lift up. I never would have discovered them otherwise. How cool is it that Toronto Journal [ED note: included in the March 2023 issue] includes an audio version of the stories they publish? And how cool is it that they refuse to accept cover letters, because they want all pieces of writing to speak for themselves? I’m sure that’s just one example among the many small journals you showcase. All these hidden gems…you really are a champion for the written word. I hope the good vibes you send out into the universe come right back to you!

And…thank you for helping me get my butt in the chair and write!”
Sarah Swandell

“I am pleased to announce that three poems of mine were recently published in Samjoko Magazine, which I never would have found without your newsletter. Thank you, as always, for your dedication to helping writers further their craft and for finding and compiling these opportunities. I continue to look forward to The Practicing Writer every month.”
—Caitlin Cacciatore

“I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to share a success story with you: I had applied to GrubStreet’s Boston Writers of Color Literary Stipend back in December and my application made it through! I’ll be using the stipend for my Submittable and journal fees for the year. Thank you for including it in your newsletter!”
Grace Q. Song

“Thank you you for posting the call for submissions from Scrawl Place. The editor is wonderful to work with and my story, ‘He Came in from the Fog Where the Island Used to Be,’ will be published later this year. It marks my first time being paid for my creative work and that would not be possible without your wonderful and thorough emails each month!”
Ariel M. Goldenthal

“Thank you for The Practicing Writer….One of your listings, the call for the inaugural issue of Exist Otherwise, led to my first ever paid publication, so I am so grateful.”
—Jennifer Elise Wang

“Thanks so much, Erika, for mentioning Chicken Soup for the Soul looking for submissions related to dogs. I submitted a story in January 2022 and learned it was accepted for publication. The book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lessons Learned from My Dog, was released in January 2023. I am beyond thrilled. I appreciate all the work and research you do!”
Nancy Hesting

“I’ve been writing and submitting a long time. I’d pay the fees and be grateful to be published. I didn’t have guidance on how to approach submitting. A friend introduced me to Erika’s blog, and my writing practice turned inside out and did a cartwheel.

Now I use Erika’s list for my send/shares (as I prefer to call them). Just this week, I saw a note to myself in my database to send a certain piece to a non-paying/charge fees site just because it’s a good woman-supporting site. Instead, I sent the piece to a paying/no fees site Erika posted. They loved the piece, I was paid more than I’ve ever been for an essay, it’s a fabulous magazine, and people are responding to my essay like crazy.

Also, sometimes I see a paying site that wants a certain word count, and something I just thought I completed is over that count. I find that this gives me the energy to re-read and see whether all those words are necessary.

Finally, Erika has listed some international magazines that are really great! I would never have known about them. Erika’s guidance…makes my writing life a thousand times better. Thank you forever, Erika!”
Kirie Pedersen

“I just wanted to thank you for including Farmer-Ish in your list of opportunities a couple of months ago. I submitted a short essay and recipe for their Winter edition and it was just published! It’s a beautiful publication and I’m so grateful to have discovered it!”
—Crystal Rowe

“Thank you, Erika, for posting the submission call for POETRY NI+ for their Holocaust Memorial Day issue. My poem ‘Klezmer’ appears there, and it’s a lovely online “pamphlet” of poems. Thank you for the constant research you do that I’ve come to depend on!”
Carol Coven Grannick

“I’ve been following your calls for submissions/competitions for a while now. Over the past few months, I’ve made it a point to submit significantly more as I am hoping to move forward with publishing my writing. I entered the Ligonier Valley Writers annual flash fiction contest and won! The prize is $50, a membership to Ligonier Valley Writers, and a professional edit of my story. I am thrilled and excited that I won, especially since the contest receives entries from all over the world! Wow, what a confidence builder! Love following The Practicing Writer! (ED note: You can read the prize-winning story, “The Real Mermaids,” on the Ligonier Valley Writers website.)
—Lindsay Flock

“My essay ‘Hanukah at the O.K. Corral”’has been published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul anthology The Magic of Christmas, which includes essays relating to the winter holidays. Thank you for posting when Chicken Soup was seeking submissions for this book.”
Ruth Rotkowitz

“A silver lining – after my [local Jewish community organization] imploded, and with it the paper I’d been writing essays for for ten years, the New Mexico Jewish Link, I ventured out into the wilderness – by consulting Jewish Literary Links of course! – and much to my delight, I found another publication that wanted my work – and now have my first story, ‘Wounded Healing,’ about the new Leonard Cohen movie Hallelujah and the artful Three Minutes film, published in Tikkun Magazine!”
—Diane Joy Schmidt

“In your October newsletter, you listed Short Story Substack, which publishes one story per month and pays quite well. You’ll be pleased to know that the winning story for the November publication is from one of your newsletter readers – me! Thanks for that! :)”
—James Hill

“I can’t believe this slipped my mind till now—thought I’d emailed you about this ages ago…but am finally catching up on some long-overdue communiques in advance of my book release. I originally found out about the Iowa Short Fiction Award through your newsletter. Without your amazing work, I’m confident that I would neither have known about it nor submitted. Anyway, just wanted to share….And thank you, as always, for all you do for writers.” 
—A.J. Bermudez

“I’m thrilled to be sharing that my poem, ‘Thinking of Basements,’ won first place in the Briefly Write Poetry Prize 2022, which I learned of through your newsletter. My poem and the other winning pieces can be found here. Thank you!”
—Aimee R. Cervenka

“I’m excited to share that my work has been accepted by Open Book’s Unbound program, which I learned about through your newsletter. It means that within the next year, an essay of mine will be sent out to Unbound subscribers, along with discussion questions, related poetry, and writing prompts for readers. It was great to prepare something different from the usual for this submission, and even better to have it accepted! Thank you so much for making it easy to find interesting opportunities like this one.”
Priscilla Thomas

“I wanted to let you know that I submitted an essay to the Falconer Museum. It was accepted into their anthology about Hugh Falconer, a lesser known Scottish Paleontologist. Thank you for your hard work compiling contests and magazine publications for writers. I really really appreciate it.”
—Luca Brite

“Thanks to discovering Grande Dame Lit via a recent newsletter of yours, I submitted a short fiction piece I’ve been working on for a year. After an initial rejection with suggestions for edits and to resubmit – am pleased to say my tale, “Lines,” [was] published on August 4, 2022….I never would have found them if not for your newsletter. Thank you!
—Kay Smith-Blum

“You mentioned Chicken Soup for the Soul in your newsletter. I don’t normally think about submitting, but I had an essay that fit the theme they had posted. I never heard back and sent the essay elsewhere with no acceptances. Lo and behold, after eighteen months I got a reply and they wanted my story. So, “Dinner with My Dad,” [is] in the newest volume in the book series. I’ve already read an advance copy and I’m proud to be joining the Chicken Soup family–in this especially poignant volume! Thanks for the reminder that they are always open for submissions!”
—Jane Snyder

“I’ve just had an excerpt from a work-in-progress accepted by Kaleidoscoped which will be published in September. Thank you so much for providing the information about their themed issue on ‘Ghosts and Gossip’ in your newsletter.”
—Annette Pearson

“Thanks to your May 23rd Markets for Writers listing, I just had my first paid publication and the first piece of my master’s thesis, “First Lesson,” come out in Olit Magazine this summer. I’m so grateful as always for your work!”
—Liz Ramirez

“I had a piece in Jewish Writing Project: “Bound By Stories.” Bruce Black is a wonderful editor…. Thanks for the connection.”
—Elan Barnehama

“I just had a (paid!) blog post accepted for “The Growlery,” Run Amok Books’ new blog about writers and writing. I became aware of this opportunity via the May edition of The Practicing Writer. It probably wouldn’t have ended up on my radar without your fantastic newsletter. Thank you!”
Allison Floyd

“Thanks to your posting The Fiddlehead’s calls for submissions in your newsletter, last year I sent them my essay “Boiled Boot,” about my grandmother’s childhood starvation during the Shoah and integenerational trauma, and it is now in their spring issue. Since it’s in print only, I put a bit about the essay on my blog too. I so appreciate all that you do for the literary community!”
Anca Szilágyi

“I got my story published as a chapbook thanks to your newsletter and I wanted to celebrate with you! Such a lovely collation you do and I congratulate you in bringing us all together.”
Saira Khan

“I was thrilled to win the Alpine Fellowship Writing Prize in 2021, after initially learning about it through this newsletter. I can’t recommend the fellowship or The Practicing Writer highly enough.”
A.J. Bermudez

“I am a devotee of your missives – I can’t wait to receive them so this is just a thank you for all your work. I have had two pieces published out of opportunities you posted (The Maine Review and little somethings). You make me feel like I am part of a writing community and that is gold.”
Mandy Gardner

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for the Practicing Writer newsletter! I make a note of the opportunities that you mention in the letter each month, submitting if/when I can, and recently the endeavor bore fruit–I have a short story forthcoming from Typehouse Literary Review this May, and I never would’ve learned of the journal if not for The Practicing Writer. I’m still very much an emerging writer, so this is also my first paid publication. I wanted to share my little joy and thank you for all that you do for the community!”
Elizabeth Trueblood

“Thanks for all the work you do organizing opportunities for all of us. I submitted to University of Western Australia’s journal Westerly, and they took my poem ‘Darning’ for issue 66.2, which was released today. They pay incredibly well and offer the opportunity to ‘give back’ by spending part of that money on a discounted subscription, which I did, and still saw a sizable amount deposited in my Paypal.”
Dana Sonnenschein

“Just wanted to send a note that I received a fiction acceptance to Cutleaf after seeing them in your newsletter. Thanks so much for all your efforts–really appreciated..”
Leslie Doyle

“I wanted to share a slightly delayed (until publication) success story. You listed the RCWMS 2021 Essay Contest in The Practicing Writer. I sent in an essay, ‘Searching for Identity: Finding Words.’ It won third prize and now has been published, in the Winter issue of South of the Garden.”
F.I. Goldhaber

“Thank you so much for letting me know about the Genesis Jewish Book Week Emerging Writers programme. I applied thinking I had no chance (I’ve never published any fiction), but to my surprise, I was selected as one of 10 emerging writers (5 non-fiction, 5 fiction/poetry) to work with 10 well-known writers, who are running seminars and acting as mentors for us. My mentor is Tracy Chevalier!!!–how cool is that? I’ve been working on my novel, Ness, for a number of years, but I felt like I was just writing for myself. With this program, I can get feedback from my peers and from Tracy, and more importantly, I feel like I’ve gained confidence in my ability as a fiction writer. So thank you, Erika, for this amazing resource you provide. I am very grateful to you.”
Karen E.H. Skinazi

“Just so you’d know that your newsletter service is not in vain: my essay just got accepted by The Shmita Prizes, a contest I entered from your invaluable newsletter, The Practicing Writer 2.0. While the winner will be announced later, I remain grateful for my piece having made the cut and to you for your pro bono resources and submission opportunities. Keep them coming. Thanks lots and keep up the labor of love.”
—Mike Ekunno

“Thank you for advertising the submission period for The Spectacle! They accepted my story and I’m so glad it found a good home. Your newsletter has been an invaluable resource to me as I’ve started getting back in the groove of submitting my work to magazines.
—Paula Weiman

“Hi, Erika! Several months ago, you posted news of a contest for teachers who are writers. The contest invited submissions of an experience of teaching writing virtually. I have been nearly incapable of writing during the pandemic, but I had just finished a powerful experience teaching poetry to my third-graders, so I wrote it up. I was stunned to learn that I was runner-up in the contest, and received a substantial payment. I’m ecstatic, not just to have my piece out there, but also because it features the poetry of eight or nine of my young students. (I shared the prize money with them.) They are beside themselves with excitement at seeing their poetry published. It’s been one of the highlights of this whole year for both them, and for me. A million thanks! Here’s the link to the piece, if you’re interested in reading it. THANK YOU!”
—Sue Granzella

“Greetings Erika, unfortunately I cannot recall what pandemic internet rabbit hole lead me to your blog and wondrous newsletter, but I wanted to reach out and express my deep, deep gratitude to you! You publicized the MASS MoCA FELLOWSHIP FOR WRITERS OF COLOR opportunity for “one writer working in English in any genre who self-identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color” and I am absolutely STUNNED to report that I am the ONE! I was actually notified of the acceptance and fellowship award today and plan to depart for the Berkshires in mid-June, all because of you! I’d not heard of this opportunity before but had the chance to visit the massive and magical MASS MoCA campus a couple summers back and have wanted to find to way to return and immerse myself in that energy ever since. I will be spending a whole month working on my first full length poetry collection, Hoard, and I owe you the world, or at least a coffee (or of course, something stronger), if our paths ever cross post-plague IRL. Thankyouthankyouthank, all the glory to you.”
S. Erin Batiste

“I wanted to thank you for including the call for work from Channel magazine in Ireland. I submitted an essay about the ways that the pandemic has influenced touch, aging, love, and loss in my life, and it was just published today!

This year, I am trying to make a go of it as a full-time writer/editor, and what’s most difficult (as you know) is to find outlets that pay for work beyond social media exposure and a contributor’s copy. I so appreciate that you share information on markets that pay. This ended up being my first international publication and (other than an essay I published in True Story) my best-paying piece. Thank you again for sharing these opportunities!”
Gabriela Denise Frank

“Wishing you all the best in your life and your writing. You are an inspiration to me. I enjoy your Practicing Writer Newsletter very much. And I must admit that I submitted to Kelsay Books after purchasing your book, Birthright, and being impressed. That means you also played a part in the publication of Manna in the Morning. Thank you so very much.”
Jacqueline Jules

“Hi Erika, I look forward enthusiastically to your newsletter each month. It’s informed me of many opportunities I would never hear of otherwise, including consistent reminders to check out calls from Chicken Soup for the Soul. I started to, and they recently had one for stories about self-care. I sent them an essay about quitting smoking in my 30s and they accepted it! I’m thrilled and very grateful that you made me aware of this opportunity. Thanks for your generosity to writers like me.”
Laura M. Martin

“Thank you for the information about Stonecrop Review. My essay, ‘An Asphalt County Almanac,’ will be published in the next issue.”
Sandy Schuman

“Here is an essay both written and read aloud about my grandfather Schmulka Bernstein, which is now up on the online zine and podcast ‘The Dirty Spoon.’ Thank you Erika, for this listing a while back, which I wouldn’t have known about without you. And thanks for all you do.”

—Michele J. Clark

“Thank you so very much for posting information about The Ekphrastic Review a while ago. My poem “Evening at Kuerners, after Wyeth” was accepted and published online in mid-October. As a longtime subscriber I can say without hesitation that your newsletter is invaluable and you deserve a Pulitzer for it.”
—E.D. Lloyd-Kimbrel

“Based on one of your listings, I sent poems to ‘Pandemic Publications,’ and two of those poems were just accepted! I would not have known of this publication (based in Vancouver, BC) if not for you! Virtual hugs from here, and thanks again for your wonderful efforts on behalf of writers.”
Carolyne Lee Wright

“I guess I should have told you before now that I owe at least four publications to you: my poems published in Fifth Estate, Amsterdam Quarterly, Phoenix Soul, and the big one–in 2018 I won first place in the Keats-Shelley Prize for adult poetry, which included a trip to London to read my poem—I heard about that contest from you. So, thanks, Erika!”
—Laurinda Lind

“It happened again—an opportunity which I learned about in The Practicing Writer yielded fruit. Night Shift Storyteller Series just published my piece, entitled ‘Teacher and Student,’ and it’s 100% because of you. THANK YOU, ERIKA!!”
—Sue Granzella

“I just wanted you to know that I sold my essay [“The Language of the High Holidays”] after submitting it to a few of the sites listed on your blog (actually, I received two offers). Thanks and Shana Tova!
—Belinda Brock

“I have submitted several poems and CNFs using your newsletter as a source. No success to date. But…I wanted to drop you a line anyway – just to let you know how much your unselfish efforts (not forgetting Trish [Hopkinson] & Cathy [Bryant]) means to me personally. It means I can spend less time surfing the net in frustration looking for a home for my creations, and spend more time writing. This is truly a wonderful gift from all three of you. So please accept my sincerest thanks for what you do!”
Dr. Thomas Davison

“Thank you for all your diligent work and effort. I’m pleased to say that I found your call for the Donn Goodwin Prize here and entered my poem, and “Birth River” is this year’s winner. Keep up the great work, and here’s to the success of your many and varied projects!”
—Lee Nash

“When I see your name in my email box I can’t help but smile. I enjoy all your writing news, the market info, tips and suggestions. I also follow you on Facebook. I want to thank you for directing me to a writing market that was unfamiliar to me, THEMA Literary Journal. I was elated to have a submission accepted for their 2020 Spring Issue. Also, just had another story accepted for their 2021 Spring Issue. Thank you for all you do for fellow writers.”
Georgia A. Hubley

“As a reader of your newsletter for years, I have followed up on many of your leads. Often I am already familiar with a journal, but your newsletter gives me a timely prod to submit work. Such was the case with RATTLE: POETS RESPOND. On Sunday, June 21, 2020, my poem ‘Malcolm X Park’ was the winner.”

“A few weeks ago, [you] posted a request for poems for the National Poetry Month feature on Parks & Points, a public lands digital newsletter. I submitted, and today my poem, ‘where water has no skin,’ was published. There’s a small honorarium too. Thank you for your newsletter, from which I’ve learned much and been directed to explore many opportunities.”
—J.C. Todd

“I also had a piece that I thought that Parks & Points might be interested in and they did. They did a beautiful job–they added a lovely visual of a beached canoe on a beach on a deserted looking lake. Thank you for the opportunity. It’s a lovely publication.”
—Virginia Chase Sutton

“Thanks so much for keeping us up to date with calls and competitions. My poem was accepted for Parks & Points & Poetry 2020 – something I only learned of through your Monday updates.”
—Fiona Ritchie Walker

“Thank you, Erika. You include Christi Craig’s class scholarship offer in your newsletter, and she kindly awarded me that scholarship. I have loved working with her. The class is about to wrap up but I’m also enrolled in her class next month. It’s a lovely community, and I am grateful to have stumbled into it.”
—Linda Levitt

“A couple of months ago you listed Greenprints magazine as looking for contributions about gardening. A couple of days later something clicked in my brain, and I dashed off an account of the period in my life where I learned to prune apple trees. It was accepted with just two edits! Thank you for your consistent focus on helping writers achieve success.”
Kay Sexton

“Here’s the latest of several success stories I’ve had thanks to Erika’s top-notch efforts in publicizing paying opportunities: [A Monday Markets post] mentioned ‘Teach.Write.,’ which I’d never heard of. I’m not a teacher but had several poems related to writing. I submitted three and all were accepted recently. I especially appreciated having a bit of good news while stuck home alone these days. So thank you again, Erika.”
—Pat Tompkins

“Erika, I have benefited greatly from your listings, including winning first prize in the Interview section of the 2018 Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors Annual Contest and Anthology, but the most remarkable connection came after I purchased Birthright. Kelsay Books has just published Beautiful Corpus: Poems of the Body, Mind & Spirit, my debut collection after an extraordinary number of decades spent writing poems.”
—Nancy Brewka-Clark

“I wanted to say thanks – about a year ago I discovered the post you had for the Portage Press call…and it resulted in my first published book of poetry, Everything Wrong Feels Right. Thanks for all the calls and contests you list here and in your newsletter – the info you provide is appreciated!
Adrian S. Potter

“I wanted to let you know that my short story ‘The Quickening’ was recently published in Slice literary magazine. I saw the submission opportunity in your newsletter. This the first time my fiction has been published, and I am very excited about it! Thanks for everything that you do.”
—O’rya Hyde-Keller

“My essay ‘The Terrible Twins’ was published in the Route 7 Review. Your inspiration for writing has given me the courage to submit my writing. I always find something in your newsletter to submit to. Thank you, Erika, for your inspiration, and I will always be grateful to you for acceptance to all who inspire to write.”
—Janet Fein

“If you don’t already subscribe to Erika Dreifus‘ free monthly newsletter The Practicing Writer you may be missing some great opportunities. It’s a nice reminder that you need to submit your writing on a regular basis to get your work out there… it’s also a nice reminder that you need to write!”
Trish Hopkinson

“One of the best sources of resources for writers. Sign up for her free newsletter at her site.”
Betsy Robinson

“Just want to remind you that there are those out there – such as myself – who really appreciate this newsletter both for its offerings and for the community it creates.”
Joy Gaines-Friedler

“I wanted to write and thank you for helping me get a short story on the web. You posted a call for submissions from a blog called Writing Through Your Divorce a little while ago. I had a piece I thought might fit, submitted it and heard last week that it is to go up today. I’m even getting paid! The link is You give so much of your time and energy to helping other writers and it is very much appreciated.”

Best wishes,
–Clive Collins

“Just dropping a quick line to say thanks for compiling all these resources. As Duotrope and similar services charge fees and add to the burden of the writing life, sites like yours restore my faith in the literary community.”
John Davis Jr.

“Just a note to say how much I appreciate your newsletter. I especially enjoy the many submission opportunities that you proffer. It’s nice to have someone doing homework for us. Your newsletter is relevant and very beneficial.”
Charles Weinblatt

“Just a note to thank you for drawing my attention to Wordrunner echapbooks. Their Spring chapbook is my novella “Our Place”, three stories about how a man loses pieces of his life on a religious kibbutz in Israel. They’ve been a joy to work with, and even paid money.”
Atar Hadari

“Hi, Erika. I get many newsletters dealing with writing, many of which do not always yield useful information. Your newsletter always does. I particularly appreciate the current one on creative nonfiction, an area in which I’ve dipped a toe and have already ordered the Rose Metal book and am delighted to learn about the Gutkind one.”
—H.D. Alcaro

“Thanks for publishing the Practicing Writer. I am often inspired, encouraged, and pleased by articles I read within.”
Nancy Andres, Health & Lifestyle Writer

“Just wanted to let you know that I love your newsletter for writers. There is always good information relevant to my writing life. Thank you for the time and care you put into it…you are appreciated!”
Monica Devine

“Thanks for such a great newsletter. It’s always packed full of valuable information.”
—Mike Hooker

“I owe you a thank you, and though it is overdue – here it is. I’ve been following the Practicing Writer blog and receiving your newsletter (both wonderful, by the way) for a few years. Way back in July 2008 you posted that Second Story, a small press here in Canada, was looking for fiction manuscripts. I had just finished writing my first novel, so sent it off to them. Well, they bought the manuscript! [The Last River Child] came out in Canada last fall and is being released in the US this month [March 2010]. I’ve been wanting to share my happy story with you for a while and to thank you for your part in my success…. Please encourage your readers to keep writing and to keep submitting! “
Lori Ann Bloomfield

“Just want to tell you your newsletter is one of the most helpful I’ve found, on or off the Web. Especially the market lists and contests with no fees. Thanks!”
— Lorraine S.

“Dear Erika: I’ve been receiving your newsletter for several months and just wanted to thank you for this free service. The time and effort you take to inspire and support other writers is appreciated. I look forward to each issue: the featured article, workshop entries, freelance opportunities, and contest listings. [….] Again, many thanks.”
— Katharine Morgan

“[The Practicing Writer is] one of my essential writing resources that just happens to be in digital format. [….]This newsletter contains an amazing array of free and low-fee writing competitions every month.”
— Achaessa James, Editor, Whidbey Island Writers Association Newsletter, August-September 2006

“Hello, Erika. I LOVE your newsletter. It is practical and is helping me quite a bit as I pursue my writing career. Keep up the good work!”
— Erin Di Paolo

Read our current issue.

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