Where to Read (and Publish) Writing on Jewish Themes

Links last checked: May 2024.

Of course, it’s always possible to find Jewish-themed stories, poems, and essays published in a variety of “secular” or mainstream media. For more tips on that, please click here; for some important caveats post-October 7, 2023, click here.

But many magazines, journals, and websites specifically welcome and/or promote “Jewish” writing. (I also include here several Israel-based English-language publications, which are by no means limited to such writing, but encompass it.) This page provides you with links to some examples, representing a range of theological, political, and other orientations. As with every resource list, please be sure to familiarize yourself well with each offering to ensure that it’s a place where you feel you (and your work) belong.

Also: Listings appear here for informational purposes only; please do not interpret inclusion as an endorsement/recommendation.

Those of you who are familiar with my Practicing Writing blog and newsletter know that I tend to list only to publications/opportunities that will pay writers for their work. But in this case, because the pool is relatively small, I’m also including nonpaying publications. Similarly, although I normally share only those calls/outlets that don’t charge reading/submission fees, some of the venues listed below may be fee-charging.

As always, I welcome any “success stories” that may result for you from these tips.

(Important: In most cases, I have linked to the outlet’s main page. If you’re specifically seeking submission guidelines, look for tabs such as “Submissions” or “Write For Us”; sometimes, this information is tucked beneath a broader tab such as “About Us” or “Contact.”)

NB: Although they may not necessarily publish poetry, fiction, or memoir, the American Jewish Press Association’s member publications also offer potential for Jewish writing and writers. Strategic Googling (“Jewish newspapers”) can also yield additional possibilities.