Coming Soon: First Annual New York Sephardic Jewish Book Fair

First Annual New York Sephardic Jewish Book Fair
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Noon-5 p.m.
Center for Jewish History

The book fair, hosted by the American Sephardi Federation, will bring together authors and book lovers that write about and enjoy books relating to the culture, history, philosophy, religion, languages and experiences of the Sephardic Jews, past and present. Hundreds of titles of Sephardic-oriented books, including many rare titles, will be available for sale by the Sephardic House bookstore, as well as by unique vendors that specialize in Sephardic Judaica.

Several visiting authors will discuss a wide range of topics including personal histories, Sephardic history, philosophy, culture and religion. The day’s key author and speaker will be Dr. Marc D. Angel, founder of The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals and Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Shearith Israel, North America’s oldest Jewish congregation.

Admission: Free

(Thanks to Barbara Krasner for letting me know about this event!)