Jewish Literary Links

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"
Image by Yedidia Klein from Pixabay

  • From the latest weekly newsletter of Fordham University’s Center for Jewish Studies: “I…invite you to register early for the e-screening and discussion of the film ‘The Dove Flyer’ that explores the final days of the Jewish community in Baghdad. The film, based on a partly biographical novel by the Iraqi-born Israeli writer Eli Amir, is the first film, perhaps even the only one, in Judeo-Arabic, and specifically in the Baghdadi dialect. On Wednesday, November 3rd at 1PM we will host a discussion of the film with Ahuva Keren, an Israeli actress and translator of the script into Judeo-Arabic, Hagit Goral Halperin, who teaches Hebrew at Fordham, and Mohamed A. Alsiadi, who teaches Arabic at Fordham. Be sure to register now, to get the link to the film to watch it before our November event.”
  • Academic call for papers on Israeli speculative fiction: “The proposed edited volume will examine, among others, Israeli Fantasy and Science Fiction, Israeli graphic novels, Israeli depictions of zombies and vampires, Israeli speculative fiction that is not written in Hebrew in Israel, as well as Israeli speculative literature written by Israeli expats abroad. The focus of this volume is on Israeli literature, though comparative analysis with cinematic texts would also be considered.” Abstract deadline: December 31.
  • “If Only Sally Rooney Understood How Israeli Publishing Works”—interesting essay by Yiftach Askhenazi over on the site of The Tel Aviv Review of Books.
  • Received this reminder via email: “At the Yiddish Book Center’s Great Jewish Books Summer Program, rising high school juniors and seniors read selections from important works of modern Jewish literature and consider how they speak to the opportunities and challenges we face today. Participants spend their days at the Yiddish Book Center, immersed in a lively world of Jewish culture, and live in dorms on the nearby campus of Hampshire College. Every admitted participant receives a scholarship for the full cost of tuition and books.” Application deadline for this summer program is March 7, 2022.
  • Lilith magazine’s “The New Forty” program “invites women 40 years old to 100+ who are new to writing for publication to participate in a one year program providing opportunities for mentoring, learning, peer support, publication and promotion on Lilith’s robust platforms––digital, print and face to face. You will receive encouragement, mentoring, editorial support and learn from Lilith staff and guest presenters through individual meetings and group sessions held virtually. Lilith’s goal is to draw in as-yet unheard voices and see yours flourish and publish. This project is designed with an added goal of combating ageism and highlighting the rich lived stories we know this cadre of emerging writers have to tell.” Apply by November 15. (Responding to a query posed on Facebook, Lilith indicated that “writers will be paid for each piece published in Lilith,” but provided no pay specifics.)

Shabbat shalom.

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"

2 thoughts on “Jewish Literary Links

  1. Carol Ungar says:

    It’s so refreshing to learn of a program for those in the second half of life. Thanks for posting this Erika.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      You’re very welcome!

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