Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

All Things Considered


On balance, a good week, notification-wise. Yes, there have been some rejections. But the week also brought a poetry acceptance (that poem will be out mid-month, and I’ll be sure to share it). And, I was also asked to contribute a poem to a site (I’ll share that in due course, too). So all of that is very cheering.

Meantime, I did send in my March Poetry Has Value update/stats, so I expect that you’ll be able to see that soon. (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Beyond-Your-Blog-Hall-Of-Fame-Showcasing-our-favorite-writing-from-our-readers-who-have-been-published-beyond-their-blogsI’m Famous!

Well, sort of.

This week brought the happy news that a piece of mine had been “chosen” for the Beyond Your Blog “Hall of Fame.”

You’ve probably seen me mention Beyond Your Blog before–I find it an inspiring and helpful site. I’ve also joined the BYB Facebook group, where, each month, members are encouraged “to post their best work that has been featured outside of their personal blog. A guest editor selects five favorites (in the areas of humor, non-humor, how-to/informational, reported stories & essays and editor’s choice) to be featured on this page and we also promote them in our newsletter and on social media.”

When the February call came around, I decided to share the link to my poem “Self-Portrait with Root Rescue™,” which appeared last month on Silver Birch Press. And, lo and behold, it “won” the humor category.

I’m especially grateful for the kind comments of this month’s judge, Norine Dworkin-McDaniel, who said, “I thought this piece was so clever, riffing on the frustrations of getting older without the negativity. Really made me laugh. Well done.” (more…)