New Contest from Inside Higher Ed

Here’s something especially for our practicing writers-who-teach, perfectly appropriate for this Valentine’s week.

To celebrate the launch of its new “Dual Career Search” feature, Insider Higher Ed is sponsoring a contest: “Commuting for Love”: “Readers are invited to submit stories of their challenging academic commutes–1,000 words or less. We’ll post the best stories on Inside Higher Ed–and pick one couple to win a round-trip airfare between any two U.S. cities (up to $500).”

(And Insider Higher Ed “will send a box of chocolates to the first five academic couples who report that they found jobs in the same city using the Dual Career Search.”)

More info on the contest–and the Dual Career Search–available here.

DeVry University Seeks Online Adjunct Faculty (Science Fiction)

From the announcement:

“DeVry University Online invites applicants for an adjunct position for a Science Fiction undergraduate literature course. A minimum of a Master’s degree in Humanities is required. Candidate must have 6-8 graduate credit hours in Science Fiction courses. Candidates must also have at least 2 years of higher education teaching experience.”


Save the Dates!

Two more events to let those of you in the Boston area know about.

On Saturday, December 2, I’ll be running my ever-popular “Publishing Your Short Stories” seminar at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. Check it out here. And for more information on my own short story publications/credits, click here. (And if you’re not local, stay tuned for news about the next online version of this course, coming early in 2007.)

Then, on December 7 (Thursday evening), I’m heading over to Grub Street HQ in downtown Boston to lead a seminar on “Getting to Know Your Characters.” Read more about it here.

Hope to see some of you at one (or both!) of these events.

Stadler Fellowship Stipend Increase

Here’s a bit of good news from Bucknell University, where the Stadler Fellowship is administered. The fellowship’s stipend (which was $12,000) is now $20,000. That’s a nice increase (the fellowship also includes housing in a furnished apartment on campus, office space, and health insurance). The next fellowship application deadline is December 2, 2006. For more information about this fellowship, which “offers a recent MFA, MA, or PhD graduate in poetry professional training in arts administration, literary editing, and teaching” and “is designed to balance the development of professional skills with time to complete a first book of poems,” visit the Stadler Center Web site. NB: No application fee!