Post-Conference Post #1

To tide you over until I can write more about Grub Street’s “Muse and the Marketplace” conference (and possibly post another photo or two!) here’s a snapshot of Grace Paley delivering her keynote address today. Topic: “Beyond the Marketplace: Writers as Agents of Social Change.”

(One of the best compliments I have ever received about one of my short stories–possibly the best compliment–was that a particular aspect of the story was “worthy of Grace Paley.”)

Hold Off On Your Submissions

Two pieces of news I picked up from Duotrope’s Digest:

1) Lorraine and James is on hiatus. According to the magazine’s Web site, “We are not sure how long this break will last or if we will have to simply call it a wrap–that remains to be seen.”

2) Chattahoochee Review is closed to submissions until January 2007. Click the “submissions” link at the journal’s Web site to read the announcement.

Call for Submissions from ColorLines

I’ve been trying to track down this call for fiction submissions for awhile. Another practicing writer told me about it earlier this spring but I wasn’t able to find the call on the magazine’s own Web site. (As you may have figured out by now, if you follow this blog or our newsletter, my preference is to take you directly to the source, so to speak, whenever I can. And even then, if I’ve found out about the opportunity from another writer’s blog/site or an announcement list, I try to give that piece of research/discovery credit where it’s due.)

Anyway, in this case I wrote to ColorLines and the associate publisher was kind enough to e-mail me back with the information:

ColorLines, the national newsmagazine on race and politics, is proud to announce its first issue devoted to fiction!

We’re looking for short stories and novel excerpts written by people of color. We are specifically interested in fiction that addresses the themes of race, politics, immigration and culture. We are open to a range of genres including fantasy, literary stories, crime, and mystery.

Due date: July 15, 2006

Submission guidelines

Your submission should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

Send it as an electronic version (as a Microsoft Word attachment or rich text file) to daisy(at)arc(dot)org. The subject line of your email should read: SUBMISSION and your full name.

The piece should not have been previously published. Let us know if you’re submitting it simultaneously to other publications.

Payment: $100 plus two copies of the magazine.

Paying Fiction Markets

I’ve recently discovered Duotrope’s Digest of Fiction Fields, an excellent (and currently free) source of information on paying fiction markets.

Now that I’ve had a little time to explore the Duotrope site, and have determined that it’s pretty thorough (and unbeatably timely) with its information, I can’t really see a good reason to keep selling our own e-book guide to paying short story markets. So as of today, that e-book (just updated last month) is going to be available at no charge here.

I hope you find it helpful–I think it does include at least a few markets you still won’t find at Duotrope. And if I ever feel there’s a real need for our e-book to come back in a new life, I will let you know!