Call for contributors: Encyclopedia of American Literature, 1896-1945

(From the Literary Call for Papers Mailing List at the University of Pennsylvania): “Contributors sought for Encyclopedia of American Literature, 1986-1945 to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on File. Entries will treat authors; significant works; and literary schools, movements, genres. Contributors will be paid and credited in the volume.” For contact information and to read the full announcement, click here.

Literary Journal Debuts

Lorraine and James: Global Urban Literature is a new triannual print journal “whose mission is to till the urban landscape in search of new writers and give attention to the noncommercial work of established writers from the United States and around the globe.” I’ve just read the debut issue–fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and an interview with fiction writer Nicholas Montemarano, plus an unusual contributors’ notes section (where writers comment on the writing of their pieces). The journal accepts submissions year-round and pays $50-$200 for published work. Click here to find out more.

Nominations Sought

If you’re a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age or older, you’re eligible to go to the website for the new James Patterson PageTurner Awards, “intended to celebrate the people, companies, schools and other institutions who find original and effective ways to spread the excitement of books and reading,” and nominate any person or institution (including yourself or your own organization).

The total cash prize of $75,000 will be divided as follows:
1) $25,000 “to a person, company, or institution that presents books to the public in an exciting and original way”
2) $25,000 “to an elementary school, middle school, or high school that inculcates the joy of reading for pleasure in its students” (James Patterson will also visit the winning school for a day of reading, signing, and talking about books.)
3) $25,000 presented in $1,000 merit awards to individuals and institutions “who have made notable contributions to promoting the excitement of books.”

In honor of the two $25,000 winners, First Book (a national nonprofit organization) will donate 1,000 books to programs that serve disadvantaged children in cities of the winners’ choice.

Interested? Find out more at the website.

September Newsletter Distributed

As promised in a previous post, our September Practicing Writer newsletter went out to subscribers late last week. There’s an important correction to note: our Submission Alerts!!! section includes a notice about Sarabande Press’s September Open Submission season but does not include THIS essential information: “Because of the volume of manuscripts currently on hand, we regret that the open submission period for 2005 is closed.” Visit the Sarabande Press site to read more about this. Apologies again to our subscribers for any confusion, and thanks again to the subscriber who wrote to alert me to the change in Sarabande’s policy.

And to receive each issue of our newsletter right in your e-mailbox, subscribe (it’s free!) at our website. You’ll also find the current issue posted here.

Deadlines Extended

Back in June’s issue of our Practicing Writer newsletter, we noted calls for submissions for two Cup of Comfort anthologies. Since then submission deadlines for both projects have been extended. So if you’d like to submit essays to A Cup of Comfort for Expectant Mothers or A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism, you’ve now got some more time to do so. The new deadlines are October 1 and November 15, respectively. For submission guidelines and terms (including pay rates), visit the website.