New Market for Writing on Writing

Just found out about a new (low-paying, but paying) bi-weekly e-zine for writers, Coffee Break for Writers. The editor really seems to have thought a lot about what she wants in the content, and offers detailed guidelines at the site. You can also request an even more specific theme list.

Remember, you’ll find many more possibilities in our new guide, WRITERS’ MARKETS: Where To Sell What You Write When You Write About Writing. Download your free preview (with sample market listings) today!

Political Poetry

“Political fiction” is something many American writers (and readers) try to stay away from. But poets and poetry generally have more latitude to deal with “political” content and express “political” messages.

Or do they? Apparently some people doubt the very presence of political poetry in this country. Robert Pinsky’s latest Poet’s Choice column discusses “political poetry.”

From Our Newsletter

Yesterday the newest issue of “The Practicing Writer,” our free monthly newsletter for fictionists, poets, and creative nonfiction writers, went out to our subscribers. As usual, this issue includes plenty of submission calls, contest announcements, and more (including many items not previously listed here at the blog).

Each newsletter issue also contains a feature article. Below you’ll find the one included in this issue, written to complement the recent publication of our newest resource guide, WRITERS’ MARKETS: Where to Sell What You Write When You Write About Writing. (UPDATE, July 19, 2007: This e-book is no longer available.)

Hope you enjoy this look into our newsletter! If you want to read past issues/articles, they’re archived (for subscribers only) here.


by Erika Dreifus

If there’s one subject practicing writers know, it’s writing. And for those who’d like to convert this expertise into paid publication, opportunities abound. Not sure what I mean? Consider these 10 types of “writing on writing”:

1. Craft/”how-to” articles. Instructional pieces form the proverbial meat-and-potatoes of many, if not most, writing magazines and newsletters. You’ll need some genuine expertise here. Don’t try to tell other people how to write a (presumably publishable) short story if you’ve never completed one yourself. Don’t offer tips on book promotion if you’ve never promoted a book.

2. Market updates/profiles. These articles, often including information for those who want to break in to a specific niche, are also staples of many writing publications. I’ve written about literary magazines, alumni magazines, family history magazines, and more.

3. Essays on “the writing life.” If you have something new to say–something other than a familiar story about rejection, for instance–try some of the writing magazines that look for these pieces. (Humor is often a plus.)

4. Poems on “the writing life.” Yes, it’s true. Some publications actually do seek poetry specifically about writing. Again, better to “make it new,” as Ezra Pound advised.

5. Interviews/Profiles. Think outside the box here. Writing magazines publish interviews with agents and editors as well as with poets and writers. Find out where a writer went to college–the alumni magazine may well be interested in a profile. Where does the writer live? Look into the relevant city/regional magazines.

6. Literary travel pieces. You can pitch some writing magazines with these, but don’t forget travel publications, including newspaper travel sections.

7. Literary education pieces and/or reading lists. Time these to coincide with National Poetry Month (April, in the United States and Canada); National Book Month (October); Back-to School, etc.

8. Book reviews. Write about books on writing and/or writers’ memoirs. Don’t limit yourself to writing-focused publications for placements here. A memoir, in particular, may hold wide appeal for a general readership. (For more book review markets, consult our own Directory of Paying Markets for Book Reviewers).

9. College/Career Columns. Don’t forget that writing is a part of academic life. I once sold an article to a publication for college students advising collegians how to negotiate the senior thesis-writing process. I sold another article to a parenting publication advising parents on seeing their kids through the college application essay process. And while it may not be easy to remember during breaks between paychecks and publications, writing is a career option, and it’s one others want to know about.

10. Op-eds. Writers can (and have) opined, frequently in major newspapers and magazines, on everything from the writing section of the new SAT to the qualities that should define a memoir.

So go ahead, fellow writers. Write on.

© Copyright 2006 Erika Dreifus. All rights reserved.

Bio: In addition to her fiction and her other freelance work, Erika Dreifus has published more than 150 writing-related articles, essays, interviews, op-eds, and book reviews since 2003 in The Writer, Writer’s Digest, Poets & Writers, and many other print and online publications. Visit her Web site and/or her blog for much more writing advice and commentary.

This article may be freely reprinted provided it is unchanged and is reprinted in its entirety, from title through bio. Please send a courtesy reprint to erikadrei-at-yahoo-dot-com. Thank you!

Weekend Reading

The new (May-June) Poets & Writers is available, and, as usual, some of its excellent content is online.

1) The current Contester column, by Thomas Hopkins, details the sad story of “The Collapse of Neil Azevedo’s Zoo [Press].” (See my previous post on the subject, too.)

2) Literary agent Scott Hoffman answers Kevin Larimer’s questions in “Q&A: Scott Hoffman’s Reasons to Rep” (see what semi-encouraging news Hoffman has for first-time novelists).

3) I told you that the James Frey saga was still with us. It comes up in the Hoffman Q&A, and there’s an entire piece on “The Literature of Lies”, by Joe Woodward, in this issue too.

Congratulations, Andy Furman

I love hearing good news about my writer friends. Then I want to spread the word. So lately I’ve been pestering Andrew Furman for the official announcement of his recent “Researcher of the Year” award (Creative and Scholarly Category) from Florida Atlantic University.

Andy is both a skilled literary critic and a talented novelist. Sanford Pinsker nicely discusses both areas of accomplishment here.

And all you writing and/or literature teachers (and students) out there should definitely read Andy’s Poets & Writers “Teachers Lounge” article on “Reading and Writing in the MFA Program, and Beyond.”