Sunday Sentence

In which I participate in David Abrams’s “Sunday Sentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.”

[…] The bicentennial
crocheted the nation with the masts of tall ships and twelve-foot
Uncle Sams but at year’s end my innocence dislodged
like a powdered wig as I witnessed the first installment
of Roots.

Source: “Philadelphia, Negro,” in Gregory Pardlo’s Digest.

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

New Essay Online
New publication alert: Last Friday my essay titled “Five Ways for Writers to Avoid Oversharing” went live on The Missouri Review‘s blog. I’m grateful to TMR for giving the piece a home, and grateful that the responses I’ve received so far on Twitter and Facebook have been so encouraging.

As you’ll note if you read the piece, I was prompted to write the essay when another writer directed a casual comment my way on Twitter. The essay thus illustrates another instance in which a remark I couldn’t have anticipated or predicted has produced an entirely new piece of writing. (Another example: My online-poetry-course-instructor’s comment via email alluding to how promptly—”nay, early!”–I tended to submit my assignments produced this poem, which, as of now, has been published three times.) So, please, talk/write to me! 😉 (more…)