New Series at Beacon Press

News about Beacon Press, via Publishers Weekly:

Beacon Press is planning a new series of books focused on free speech. It is a natural progression for the independent Boston press, which has long been associated with First Amendment issues, having published the first full edition of the Pentagon Papers in 1971, as well as authors including Howard Zinn, James Baldwin, Ben Bagdikian, Cornell West and others.

The series will explore free speech over the first 150 years of American history; the emergence of an organized fight for free speech in the post-WWI years, and battles that have been fought over free speech in recent years. “Beacon Press publishes books that try to change the way that people think about fundamental issues. We believe that exploring the history of free speech is essential to ensuring that our understanding and respect for the First Amendment continue to grow,” press director Helene Atwan said.

Read the article, linked above, to find out more–including info on submitting book proposals for this new series.

And because this is the sort of thing that really ticks me off: This is the second time in two days I’ve seen Cornel West’s name misspelled by a publication that should know better.