Friday Finds for Writers

Writing-related resources, news, and reflections to peruse over the weekend.

  • Whether you made it to the AWP conference in Tampa or not, you’re likely to smile when you read “A More Realistic AWP Schedule” by Margaret Cipriano and Paige Quiñones over on McSweeney’s.
  • Interested in pitching Pacific Standard? Take a few moments to read Katia Savchuk’s conversation with executive editor Jennifer Sahn for Nieman Storyboard.
  • I’ve had death on my mind this week (here’s one reason why; friends’ responses to the passing of Lucie Brock-Broido is another). So maybe that’s why this new prompt from The Writer has left an impression on me.
  • News about Farrar, Straus & Giroux: “Later this year, Mitzi Angel, 43, the publisher of Faber & Faber in London, will join FSG as its new publisher and senior vice president, and will oversee the company’s editorial and marketing operations.” Jonathan Galassi “will remain as president and continue to acquire and edit books.”
  • And remember: If it’s Friday, you’ll find a fresh set of #JewLit links over on My Machberet.
  • Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.