Sunday Sentence

In which I participate in David Abrams’s “Sunday Sentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.”

Our building was so claustrophobic it was as if we lived with our neighbors instead of beside them.

Source: Jennifer S. Brown, Modern Girls: A Novel

2 thoughts on “Sunday Sentence

  1. Mindy Portnoy says:

    I read it a couple of years ago, gave it a 4-star review on Goodreads, and published a brief comment there also. Enjoy it!

    Also, by the way, in the current July/August book issue of MOMENT magazine, my 1994 children’s book MATZAH BALL, was selected by the journalist Amy E. Schwartz as one of her five favorite children’s books. There’s a brief description of it, and a picture of the cover of the book. I’m delighted!

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      I will go look for your comment on Goodreads, Mindy (I’m about 50 pages from the end now). And yes—literally just yesterday I read the new MOMENT, and I caught that mention. I hadn’t known about this book of yours! Yasher koach!

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