Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick things:

notepad, pen, and coffee cup

1. This past week brought what is quite likely my final poetry acceptance for 2018. The project is an anthology of Jewish poetry which evidently has yet to find a publisher, but I have confidence in the editors, and I’m optimistic! (Not to mention delighted to have had my work chosen.)

2. Also this week: I’ve been working on the next issue of The Practicing Writer, which will go out to subscribers on Monday. Be sure to take a final glance at the current (December) issue if you haven’t already—2. plenty of the opportunities listed there remain open for your submissions/entries.

3. Happily, I’ve been catching up on some reading over the past several days. (I’m not certain that I’ll meet my Goodreads Challenge for the year, but I’ll have come respectably close.) Check out some brief thoughts on each of my latest reads on this page (please scroll down for the most recent titles—perhaps for 2019, I’ll structure the list so that the most recent title appears first, instead). And then tell me what you think about any of those that you, too, have read.

P.S. I’ve been made aware that the plugin that’s delivering these posts via email is now including ads with those messages. My web guru and I will be dealing with this issue in the new year. For now, please know that the ads are not my idea (or to my benefit). And thanks for your patience and understanding!