Monday Markets and Jobs for Writers

tabletop with computer keyboard, coffee, and wallet; text label that reads "Markets and Jobs for Writers: No fees to submit work/apply and Paying gigs only

Each week in this space, Practicing Writing shares no-fee, paying markets for writers of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction: competitions, contests, and calls for submissions. These weekly posts complement monthly issues of The Practicing Writer newsletter, where you’ll always find more listings, none of them limiting eligibility to residents of a single municipality, state, or province. (But this blog does share those more localized opportunities, including jobs.)

As always, if you’d like to share a specific opportunity listed here, please credit the blog for the find. Thanks for respecting the time and effort that I put into researching, curating, and posting this information! I do notice, and I appreciate the courtesy.

  • Coming this week: the August edition of The Practicing Writer newsletter. (Last call for noting remaining opportunities from the July edition!)
  • The Offing has advised, via Twitter, that you can continue to submit work until July 31—they’ll be on a break for August and will resume receiving submissions in September.
  • Immigrant Report is committed to centering immigrant voices and celebrating their stories, art, and ideas. We are currently seeking poetry submissions that align with our mission. We are especially interested in poetry from immigrant writers exploring any theme and first generation writers exploring themes of heritage and identity….Selected poetry will be published online at with the possibility of future publication in a print magazine.” Pays: “We are able to offer $10 per published poem, with consideration for additional payment given for longer poems.”
  • Check this call from The Bold Italic, “an online magazine owned by Medium” that celebrates “the freewheeling spirit of San Francisco and the Bay Area at large” for an overview of the pieces that they’re looking for (personal essays, humor, reported work, more). Pays: “We pay $200–300 per story depending on the research required for the piece. If you’re interested in pursuing a longer form project that would require more time, we can explore a higher rate.”
  • From Ligonier Valley Writers: “Once again we are holding a Flash Fiction Contest that awards cash prizes and charges NO entry fee….As always, authors of the winning entries will be invited to read their stories aloud at various venues during the Halloween season. Winning stories will also be published here. Because these are Halloween stories, topics in past years have ranged from ghosts to dragons to spooky/scary places. This year’s topic is elves and/or fairies. Let your imagination run wild. Flash fiction means that the story must be less than 1,000 words long. And please, no poetry. The first prize winner will receive $50, second prize $25, and third prize $15. There will also be three honorable mentions, which will not receive cash prizes but will be published and read aloud with the other winners. The authors of all six winning entries will also receive a one-year complimentary membership in Ligonier Valley Writers. This permits them to attend most LVW events free or at reduced prices.” Deadline: August 15. (via FlashFictionFlash)
  • At the University of Michigan, “Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts (LSWA) seeks a qualified candidate to supervise its student-led literary and arts journal….The journal advisor helps to organize the student staff and works closely with the Editor(s)-in-Chief. The advisor meets with the students weekly and helps with student submissions, leads discussions on journal criteria and on the manuscript selection process, and helps plan student readings and events. The journal advisor also works with the Editors to negotiate with printers, manage the budget, and assist students in the development of layout and design. Approximate hours are 5 hours per week.” 
  • “Mass Poetry, a nonprofit poetry organization headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, seeks an expert manager and experienced educator with a passion for poetry to serve as its full-time Education Director.”
  • “Symphony Space, the multi-disciplinary performing arts center at 95th Street & Broadway in New York City, seeks a full-time, dynamic, and energetic Producer to work with the Director of Literary Programs in all aspects of the literary programs of Symphony Space.”
  • “The English Department and the Residential College at the University of Michigan expect to make a tenure-track appointment in the field of Creative Nonfiction to begin in September 1, 2020. This is a university-year appointment. We seek applications from emerging writers who have achieved distinction in one or more genres of long-form, narrative nonfiction broadly understood, including literary journalism, travel writing, and digital storytelling, and who can demonstrate promise of excellence in teaching and of commitment to diversity in the academy.”
  • Caldwell University (NJ) is looking for an adjunct instructor to teach a course on Literature and the Environment.
  • The University of Leeds (UK) seeks a Teaching Fellow in Creative Writing.

2 thoughts on “Monday Markets and Jobs for Writers

  1. Jay Seate says:

    Hello Erika,
    I love your website and have gotten many great leads from same. Unless I’ve totally lost my marbles, I think there was a call for a writing contest on Monday from 5 to 750 words sponsored by a teaching organization. Going back today, I can’t locate it. If this rings a bell, could you give me the link?
    Thanks much,
    Jay Seate

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thanks for the kind note. Sorry–this doesn’t ring a bell insofar as any of my current posts are concerned. But you may be thinking about this, which I’ll be sharing in due course ahead of its October 1 deadline:

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