Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

1. I’m being promoted!? Good news arrived this week: After endorsement from my home department, my promotion (from “Adjunct Assistant” to “Adjunct Associate” Professor of English) has been approved by the college-wide “P&B” (“personnel & budget”) committee. I’m told that it’s basically a done deal—but I’m not updating any bios until I’m sent something “official.”

2. I’m working on the October edition of The Practicing Writer, which will go out to subscribers one week from now. In the meantime, please remember that many opportunities listed in the September issue are still open for submissions/entries.

3. ‘Tis the season—the Jewish New Year season, that is. During these days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I often think back to an essay I wrote back in college. (You can find it archived here.)

For another version of the prayer that runs throughout the essay—chanted and recited by different clergy than those mentioned in the piece, but in the very same synagogue, all these years later—I offer you this clip from last Saturday’s service.

an open spiral notebook with a pen resting on a blank page, plus a text label that reads, "Midweek Notes."

8 thoughts on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. Erika,
    Mazel tov on the promotion. I have to teach 33 courses at the community college to get the bump up. I’ve only taught 25 so far, sigh.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      I think that my new book made a big difference….

  2. Congratulations on the promotion!

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thank you very much!

  3. Hi, Erika –
    MAZEL TOV on your promotion–
    what a great way to start off 5781!

    1. Erika Dreifus says:


  4. Kelley Coyner says:

    Congrats! Glad to see you recognized for the contribution you are making.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thank you!

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