Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick notes from my desk.

1. I realize that there’s probably no “ideal” time for editors to send rejections. And maybe I’m expecting too much from a publication that exists outside the “niche” that focuses on Jewish subjects. But the pitch I submitted six weeks ago was sufficiently connected with my Jewish identity that, just maybe, the editors might have realized that sending the rejection on Monday during Yom Kippur was somehow…(I’m still searching for an appropriate adjective).

2. I still have faith in the topic at the heart of the rejected pitch, so, after I meet a newly sudden deadline, I’ll be working on revising it with the goal of sending it elsewhere.

3. And yes, the October newsletter—replete, as always, with fee-free and paying opportunities (plus an updated resource for anyone seeking post-MFA fellowships)—has gone out. Please check your email, subscribers! And if you’re not (yet) a subscriber, read on.

an open spiral notebook with a pen resting on a blank page, plus a text label that reads, "Midweek Notes."