Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

1. Had a fabulous meeting with my critique group on Sunday morning. I’d submitted a (massively) revised version of the picture-book manuscript that the group had examined a couple of months ago. It was wonderful to receive consensus acknowledgment that the work is considerably improved.

And speaking of consensus: We all agreed that this weekend’s feedback from one group member essentially provided a “master-class” in children’s picture-book bio-writing. (I added, only half-joking, that this group member will deserve co-author credit, if my ms ever gets published.) Now, to revise (again! more!). But not quite so drastically, this time.

2. Received helpful edits (and only a couple of questions, which I was able to handle) for an essay that will post this weekend. (Yes, I will share it on social media!)

3. And at this time of year, I’m prompted to re-up “Fidelis,” a short story that was commissioned for NPR’s “Hanukkah Lights” broadcast.

Screenshot that introduces “Fidelis”: “Two years after Pearl Harbor, exhausted Marines on a tiny Pacific island find hope in a moment of unexpected light.”
Text introducing "Fidelis" as a story about taking place two years after Pearl Harbor, with exhausted Marines on a tiny Pacific island finding hope in a moment of unexpected light.

3 thoughts on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. Just want to say, I have a writing group going on about seven years and I couldn’t have done/finished anything with any confidence without them. Not to mention their feedback improves my writing so much.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Nice to know.

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