
Every weekend I participate in David Abrams’s “#SundaySentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.”

Thereafter, and for years, whenever he was in public—telling a story at a party, delivering a lecture to undergraduates, holding forth in a meeting—he would feel Willie Shavers, not upon him but in him: sliding glass eyes and deadpan disbelief, quirking eyebrows and carved wooden palate, even the dimple that Willie had and Jack didn’t.

Source: Elizabeth McCracken, “A Splinter” (in The Souvenir Museum: Stories)

Against a plain background, the hashtag #SundaySentence appears.

One thought on “#SundaySentence

  1. “I drift in ridiculous impecuniosity without a sou.”
    0scar Wilde

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