
Every weekend I participate in David Abrams’s “#SundaySentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.”

Or perhaps, in that interval before the shouts and the ambulance, before the start of the gruelling therapeutic process of salvaging what was salvageable, he was relieved for just a little while of the burden of memory, as he lay looking up into the high, pale sky of his beloved Jerusalem.

Source: Rachel Kadish, “Love and Restitution: The Vanished World of My Family’s Hotel” (The Jewish Quarterly)

Against a plain background, the hashtag #SundaySentence appears.

One thought on “#SundaySentence

  1. “Touched him, saw her, angels of fire and light, towers of death and silence.”
    (Rereading Peter Barnes’ The Ruling Class)

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