
Every weekend I participate in David Abrams’s “#SundaySentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.”

As the gleaming orb sank behind the Con Ed clock tower, blue sky melting into gold, dramatic rays backlighting cotton-ball clouds, applause went up, accompanied by cheers.

Source: Hannah Goldfield’s latest restaurant review in The New Yorker.

Against a plain background, the hashtag #SundaySentence appears.

2 thoughts on “#SundaySentence

  1. KC Rose says:

    This is great! Hannah Goldfield writes so well about food, with her focus on restaurants owned and patronized by ordinary people, that my husband and I read her out loud. When she disappeared from the New Yorker for awhile, we missed her terribly. I have to admit the above sentence is a little purple, but I love it just the same.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      I agree with everything you’ve said. The sentence is a little much (“orb”), but it wraps up the scene so perfectly that I went with it. I, too, love her writing. Thanks for commenting!

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