Markets and Jobs for Writers

Background of a keyboard, mug of coffee, and wallet on a tabletop; text label indicating "Markets and Jobs for Writers: No fees to submit work/apply. Paying gigs only."

Each week in this space, Practicing Writing shares no-fee, paying markets for writers of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction: competitions, contests, and calls for submissions. These weekly posts complement monthly issues of The Practicing Writer newsletter, where you’ll always find more listings, none of them limiting eligibility to residents of a single municipality, state, or province. (But this blog does share those more localized opportunities, including jobs.)

As always, if you’d like to share a specific opportunity listed here, please credit the blog for the find. Thanks for respecting the time and effort that I put into researching, curating, and posting this information! I do notice, and I appreciate the courtesy.

  • ICYMI: The April newsletter went out to subscribers YESTERDAY. It’s packed with 50+ fee-free and paying opportunities for you to peruse.
  • But here’s one that I only caught yesterday myself: Scraps “showcases the abandoned work of writers and artists. In this exercise, abandoned work is any piece of writing or art that the author or artist has indefinitely shelved after receiving a series of rejection letters from traditional venues. These pieces should be complete and polished, and mostly competent, but not quite good enough. Think 4th place runner-up. Or 5th or 6th. In addition to showcasing the abandoned work, we would like to present a collaborative response to rejection by creating a complimentary element to accompany each piece of writing. The rejection letters will be used by the editors to create this response, ranging from additional graphics or illustrations, erasure poetry, essays, music, and bibliomancy.” Pays: $50. (Hat tip: @Duotrope.)
  • Publishers Weekly is looking for a Religion Correspondent. This is a remote position. “This correspondent position is paid a monthly stipend plus payment per article written or edited. It is not a full-time staff position. Any work travel costs will be included. This position pays $500/month on a retainer, plus $.50 cents/word per writing assignment.” No deadline indicated.
  • Solstice “is looking for a new Editor-In-Chief — could it be you? We welcome all interested applicants in the Boston area to apply!” Compensation: $25/hour for up to 8 hours/week. Deadline: “Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, but those received by April 10 will be given priority consideration.”
  • “The Department of English at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin, invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor of Creative Writing beginning in Fall of 2024. We seek a published poet with experience teaching antiracist creative writing workshops who can also contribute courses in a combination of the following areas: multimodal writing, literary studies, new media studies broadly defined, and/or expository writing. The typical teaching load is 3/3, including a multi-genre introduction to creative writing (fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction) and upper-level electives in the candidate’s specialization.” Deadline: “Review of applications begins on April 10, 2024, and continues until the position is filled.”
  • In New York, “the Hunter College English Department and MFA Program in Creative Writing invites applicants for a Distinguished Lecturer position to teach graduate workshops and graduate craft seminars in the Creative Nonfiction track and to serve as the faculty coordinator of the nonfiction track. We seek a writer of national/international stature, an outstanding publishing record that includes at least three books with major publishers and work placed in national periodicals, with five or more years of graduate teaching experience. A significant record of publishing fiction in addition to nonfiction, and experience coordinating a division within a writing MFA would also be assets.” Deadline: “The committee will begin reviewing complete applications on April 22, 2024. The search will remain open, and screening and review of applications will be ongoing– until the position is filled. Applications submitted after the deadline will only be considered if the position(s) remain open after initial round.”
on a tabletop: a keyboard, a mug of coffee, and a wallet with cash, plus a text label announcing Markets and Jobs for Writers