The Wednesday Web Browser: Better Blogging, Fiction Finalists, and Rules for Requesting Review Copies

Check out Deonne Kahler’s excellent article on “How to Craft an Irresistible Blog.”
Find out which writers/works of fiction have been named finalists in this year’s Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature.
Having trouble obtaining review copies? Maybe you need to read these tips.

Thirteen Ways of Looking at My Latest Cold

Given that I’ve been fighting my (very) latest cold for the past several days, it seems a particularly appropriate time to share with you my latest publication, a poem that’s part of a special section in the new issue of Babel Fruit. The section features poems that are clearly inspired by previous works/poets. It’s pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

My contribution,”Thirteen Ways of Looking at My Latest Cold,” which developed from an assignment in one of Matthew Lippman’s online classes, can be seen here. (Yes, I know the link to my Web site isn’t working, and I’m hoping that the editor will soon fix that and capitalize “My” in the poem’s title as well, but I’ve asked her twice now and I can’t do more than that!) And check out all the other work in the issue by visiting the table of contents.

Congratulations to Sage Cohen

For awhile now I’ve been admiring Sage Cohen’s writing and teaching, and I’ve been following the news of her two “babies”: her book, Writing the Life Poetic, which will soon be released by Writer’s Digest Books, and her little boy, Theo, who arrived in September. Sage has a truly remarkable perspective on life, and a beautiful way of expressing that perspective. You can get a glimpse of her “can-do” attitude in this new column. Congratulations on all your blessings, Sage, and kudos on your dedication to creating your own good news!

The Wednesday Web Browser: Pre-Publication Process, MFA Faculty on Their Programs, and Gary Shteyngart’s Advice for Novelists

Over on Lisa’s blog, Vicki Forman guest-blogs on the pre-publication process for her forthcoming, Bakeless prize-winning memoir.
The first MFA Faculty Forum is now under way over at Tom’s place. Great opportunity to hear some nuts-and-bolts about a variety of programs.
On the lighter side: Gary Shteyngart offers a “Guide to Being a Novelist.” (via Nextbook)