Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three Quick Things

1. I received a lovely rejection note this week for the poems I’d entered into Gaze‘s “Loving Gaze Poetry Contest.” Not only did the editor include some kind words about my (losing) poems and invite me to send additional work in the future, but she also thanked me for having publicized the contest to other writers. It was simply a gracious note that left a warm impression. (I don’t see an announcement about the winning contest work on the site yet, but I’ll look forward to reading it.) (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick things.


First things first: Thanks so much to everyone who commented and corresponded with me last week about both of the Birthright-related questions that I raised in that set of Midweek Notes. I value all of the input, and I’m happy to tell you that I was able to complete the survey and, as of Monday, sent it back to the web designer with your comments.

2. Newly Published Poem (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick things.


Seriously. I did NOT expect the absolutely immense outpouring of congratulations that followed last week’s announcement. THANK YOU ALL.
