Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer


A Literary Offering

A few days ago, I received this message from Nancy Scott:

“I am the managing editor of U.S.1 Worksheets, the journal of the U.S.1 Poets’ Cooperative in New Jersey. [Every] year we give away extra copies of the journal to a worthy creative writing program, either a non-profit or school short on funds that would appreciate such a donation. We will pay the postage for shipping. Interested parties can contact the journal at us1poets(at)gmail(dot)com. Our website is us1poets.com.”

If you’re interested, please do contact the journal directly. (I’m just the messenger here!)


Wednesday’s WIP: After The Muse–and After the MFA

muse2014Honestly, I don’t know how they do it, but the Grub Street team presents an outstanding (and outstandingly-organized) conference with The Muse and the Marketplace every year. I have so many thoughts/gleanings to share after last weekend’s conference, but I am trying to be equally organized (in my mind, before I even attempt the screen). Pending further commentary, I thought I’d share a bit about the session that I moderated on Saturday afternoon.

The session that I’d proposed was titled “After the MFA: Constructing and Leading a Writing Life.” My super-accomplished co-panelists were Matt Bell, Patricia Park, and Laura van den Berg.

For those of you who weren’t able to attend the conference and/or our session, here’s the text of the handout that I prepared for distribution. Please feel free to add your resource suggestions in the comments section. Thanks! (more…)