Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Flag_of_FranceVive la France!

I have France on the brain again. During this past week, the Chief Rabbi of France, Haim Korsia, was visiting New York City, and I had the opportunity to see/hear him speak three times (once, at a session billed “for the French Jewish community in New York” that was held mostly in French; I gamely attended, although I did feel compelled to reassure my table-mates that “je comprends mieux que je parle”). (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Singing for My Supper (Technically, Lecturing for My Lunch)

I’ve written here about the New York Society Library before. It’s a lovely, lovely institution where yesterday I gave a brief “Writing Life” talk titled “Writing Contests 101.”


The group was delightful, and I had a wonderful time. After the session, the librarian who had invited me to speak, Carolyn Waters, treated me to a delicious lunch at a nearby restaurant.

(I didn’t “advertise” this event ahead of time, because it was limited to Library members only. But I’m happy to share the resource handout that I distributed there.) (more…)