Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Delightful Discoveries

It pleases me so much when I learn that people are still discovering/reading Quiet Americans. And it thrills me when I find out that the book is actually being taught (especially when it is being taught alongside other authors’ work that I’ve read and admired myself). So you can imagine how absolutely delighted I was when, during last week’s vacation, I received a tip from a cousin about this course description, taken from his synagogue’s latest adult-education catalog.


Pretty nifty, isn’t it? (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Stuart Miles/FreeDigital Photos.Net
Stuart Miles/FreeDigital Photos.Net

Good News (Which Shall Remain Mysterious, for Now)

By far the best writing-related news I’ve heard this week has nothing to do with my own work. I am currently sworn to secrecy, but I promise that I will share this news and all of its happy sequelae as soon as I am able to do so. Let’s just say that I feel like raising a big virtual glass of champagne right now.

Seriously, as far as I’m concerned, this is the highlight of my week. Maybe my month. Maybe longer. (more…)