Friday Find: September Giveaways for Writers (Redux)

The reason I am reminding you about the September Giveaways coordinated by “The Writer Mama” (Christina Katz) is twofold. First, Christina’s energy in maintaining this project over this past week is impressive enough–the idea that she’s going to keep this going another three weeks is almost awe-inspiring.

And second, well, tomorrow is the day that the giveaways will include two of our e-books. So if you want to try to snag free copies of our “Guide to No-Cost Literary Contests and Competitions” AND our “Directory of Paying Essay Markets”, tomorrow you’ll have your chance. Be sure to visit Christina’s blog on Saturday, September 8. Look for the post about the September 8 giveaway (I promise it won’t be hard to find, but I’ll try to post an update here with the link in case that helps). And comment as directed. Good luck! (I would love for one of this blog’s readers to win!)


No-Cost Contest Update

It wasn’t easy (mostly because of a troublesome technical glitch), but the job is complete: The latest version of our famous Guide to No-Cost Literary Contests and Competitions has been uploaded and is ready for you! As always, “dead” programs have been removed; new opportunities have been added; and all links have been checked (and updated as appropriate). The result of this semi-yearly update: 266 competition possibilities for your writing, not one of which requires entry or processing or application or reading fees. Read more about this fabulous guide (and download a free preview with several sample listings) right here.

Michael and Marylee Fairbanks International Fellowship for African and Caribbean Writers

This is a fellowship a practicing writer told me about last year; another one just reminded me that this year’s application deadline is coming up (on April 1), so I thought a post would be a good idea.

The Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference Fairbanks Fellowship supports a writer living in Africa or the Caribbean to attend the Conference (which is held in Vermont). “Poets, fiction, and creative nonfiction writers who have published at least one but not more than two books in English within the last four years are eligible.” The fellowship includes the Conference fee plus travel expenses. Interested applicants can find out more and download the required forms here. NO APPLICATION FEE.

(Note that financial aid applications for other Conference scholarships/awards must be submitted earlier [March 1].)

Fee-Free Contests

Writing contests. You see them advertised everywhere. And they can sound so promising.

The trouble is, many, if not most of them, charge fees to participate. And those fees sure can add up fast.

But there are lots of “no-cost” competitions–awarding cash, publication, residencies, and conference attendance, among other plums–for writers in every genre. They don’t charge fees. The Winter 2006 edition of The Practicing Writer’s Guide to No-Cost Literary Contests and Competitions profiles 221 such opportunities. And the complimentary preview includes several sample listings. Check out this great resource for your writing practice today (it’s updated semiannually to remove “dead” programs and revise links as needed while adding new opportunities).

Food Writing Scholarships–Deadline Approaching!

If you’re interested in attending The Symposium for Professional Food Writers at The Greenbrier next March–but worried about the cost–check out the several scholarships that are available. But do it soon, because the application deadline is December 15. New this year: The Leite’s Culinaria Scholarship for Narrative Food Writing, a $1,000 scholarship to be awarded “to a novice food writer (writing for fewer than five years) whose work is narrative in nature. The goal of the scholarship is to promote literary writing (essays, food novels or narrative nonfiction) that has a strong, expressive voice and a unique perspective on the world of food.”