Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

  1. The consultation that I mentioned last week to discuss my kidlit manuscript was both encouraging and action-oriented. I’m following up on what the consultant and I discussed.
  2. More delays for the freelance piece I’ve mentioned a few times now. I’m told that it should be out later THIS week.
  3. I’ll admit that I’m looking forward to what I’ll describe, lacking any better term, as a “holiday refresh.” I’m hoping that I may simply feel more energized and inspired after Thanksgiving (and, this weekend, the start of Hanukkah). Anyone else?

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

  1. Huge thanks to Sara Lippmann and the other students in two of her recent flash fiction workshops for a lovely “Fall into Flash Fiction” online reading on Monday evening. It was a lot of fun. And the event compelled me to continue working on the story I shared there: To meet the five-minute time limit, I’d trimmed another 250 words from an already slim piece; less than an hour before the event, I was making additional tweaks (somehow, some word repetitions had escaped multiple edits and read-alouds).
  2. If all goes according to plan, I will have a new freelance piece out later this week. I may not share it right away, because….
  3. Tomorrow morning I will be boarding a plane for my first flight in two years. Although I may be scrolling through social media from my phone while I’m away, I am not taking my laptop on this trip! (I am determined to have fun at my destination!) Blog posts will resume on Monday. Catch you back here then!