Friday Find: How to Plan Your Virtual Book Tour

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been hard at work preparing for the blog tour for my short-story collection, Quiet Americans. And it so happens that I’ve been receiving a number of questions about planning such tours.

True to form, I’ve been pointing my questioners to various links and websites to help them become more familiar with the idea and practice. Now, I have a new resource to share: Sandra Beckwith’s guest post for The Savvy Book Marketer.

It’s a post filled with good tips, and it’s exactly the sort of thing I would have appreciated back at the start of my own planning process.

On that note, here’s wishing you all a good weekend. See you back here on Monday for the start of an especially exciting week!

One thought on “Friday Find: How to Plan Your Virtual Book Tour

  1. Laura says:

    Thanks for that great resource — I just bookmarked it for when it’s time for me to think about this stuff for my collection. Good luck on your blog tour!

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